frog sheding skin?


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2003
England - Sheffield
hi ive had my african dwarf frog for about a week and a bit hes settling into the tank ok i had a few problems with feeding (for those of you who read my other therad ;)) but hes eating fine now i notied about 4 or 5 days ago it looks like it had loose skin around the neck and start of his back but i didnt say anything about it but ive just seen him again now and it looks like he has loose skin and the bottom of his back leading to his legs and the skin around the neck and start of his back area is a clearer darker greeny brown my questions are - do african dwarf frogs shed there skin? has mine been doing it? how often do they do it? and how long does it last? thanks :)


Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
Occasionally, they shed their skin. This seems to be related to weather and seasons too, (at least both my frogs tend to shed within a week of each other) It looks really weird while it is shed because it gives the illusion that the limbs themselves are coming off...but then when it all comes off they are happy once again and squeaky clean!


Large Fish
Apr 7, 2003
The Milk Carton
i never caught my frog shedding its skin, and i had it for about 1 year and 3 months, it just recently died. guess it did it while i wasnt there. my friend had a frog for about a week and it shed its skin.


Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
Depending on the filter it would either get sucked up or fall to the gravel bed. Shedding can take as long as it takes for them to get the old skin off but ussaly takes around 3-4 days for my frogs.

As for being less active i havent noticed that behavior

werid frog behaver

i been watching my frog and saw that he stays at the bottom for a while the swims up a bit on the front of the glass then back down again then goes to the suface for oxygen then darts stight back down as does the whole over and over and every 10 mins or so he goes to the top and lets himself float down to the bottom like a sky diver in slow mo. is this normal anything to worry about? also he now has shedding patches all over him and bits of skins hanging off in places.