Frog spawn question!

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
hey guys, i think i figured out what i want with the clown goby, a clown fish, i was looking at the false percs this weekend.

My question has to do with hosting a clown, i know they dont need one but it wopuld be pretty cool to have one in a frogspawn, from what i heard frogspawn can and will send out sweeper tenticles, i dont want the other corals stung, i dont want to get stung! how far should i keep the frogspawn from the other corals? could it help by useing rock to seperate the frogspawn?


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I have a frogspawn that is hosting my clownfish. When inflated it is about the size of a canteloupe. Here is a pic

The clownfish won't leave it. In fact the poor clown just about had a heart attack when I moved the fs to the top of the tank. Normally it doesn't bother anything as the closest coral is a lobphyllia that is about 4 - 5 inches away and a toad stool about 6 inches. I have it in a moderate flow area under good lights and target some mysis at it about once a week or so. Otherwise it gets some drifting cyclopeeze that I feed about once a week also. Seems to be doing fine. There are many colour variations.....I would like a purple tip one .....


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
Visit site
Wow great frogspawn ! Soo cool it is used to host your clown .

Ram don't worry about you, i played a couple of times with my frogspawn...doesn't hurt. Other corals yeah, but thick human skin i don't think so.
When inflated keep at least 3 inches from other corals unless it's the same family. Mine wasn't fixed for a while a irritated zoanthids, yellow polyps and burned a little bit of an open brain. Not irreversible...the wounds are gone.

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
i foudn the perfect spot for it, how much should it cost, one of my lfs said anywere from 30 to 60 bucks.

i plan to put it on the far right side were it is just that flat part of the rock holding up the bigger rock.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
That one cost me $80....but it was worth it. I have read in many places that these branching fs like to be placed vertically as opposed to horizontally as they usually are found on reef walls. That is why I have mine lodged in the rock face and it likes it there. The sting I got was on the inside of my forearm......hives for two weeks and itched like crazy.....but it never bothered my hands.....just that tender remember to not keep dragging your arm across it......
The funny thing about this piece is that one branch is brown with brown tips and the other 5 branches are all brown with neon green tips.....weird .....I have heard of some euphyllia's munching on clowns that are hosting them. I haven't had any problems though I did see the clown sucking on the sweepers one day........must have been hungry.

Apr 11, 2006
I just bought a frog spawn today. It has two head, its not opening up and extending its tenacles. It look shrink up, maybe it has something to do with my water. my water is at 86 degree due to the hot summer day, or maybe 84 degree. I don't know if my lights are too powerful(compact 130watts). You guys that have frog spawn, any suggestion?


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
my temp has been as high as 84 and as low as 76 without any ill effects. These temp changes were gradual and not sudden. The only time I noticed it didn't fully inflate during the day was when the powerhead got moved and it was directed at the fs, they tend to like moderate not sharp or high flow. I have mine high up now under 150w mh lights. It fully inflates during the day and deflates at night. My remaining clown loves the hide out under the branches and often surfs through the tentacles. I have never seen sweepers per se, just inflated tentalces, which stung me again......gotta keep that arm out of the tank. I


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
that is my t.crocea. I would like to get a derasa or squamosa but I want a specific colour and keep my eyes open. I also don't want to buy one that is under 3" as they are not photo sufficient and require direct feeding with phyto and their success rates are lower.