Frogs And Mollies?

Oct 23, 2011
At My House
I Currently Have Two Dalmatian Mollies And I Want To Get Some Frogs (like the ones I use to see in Walmart when I was little) Can They Go Together? And if they can I won't be getting them till i get a bigger tank my mom started me out with a glass fish bowl (and don't say thats bad i know it is so she is going to get me a bigger one it's a metrical that i got fish at all (when i was 7 my mom promised me a hermit crab If I smiled for our Holiday and I did But I didn't get a hermit crab :'( )) also I need to know how big of a tank I need to Get For My Two Mollies And 3 to 5 Frogs If I can Have Them Please Some One Help. Also My Friends Mom Is Getting Me Some Aquatic Plants to Put In It If That Would Make It Have To Be Any Bigger.

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Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I you will read the "Stickie" at the beginning of this forum you will get a lot of the info you need to set up a tank and take proper care of your fish. By reading that you will avoid a lot of beginner's heart ache and problems and also be better informed to ask questions. I, personally, have no experience with those frogs, but I have read they are difficult to feed and no one has ever mentioned having more than two. For two mollies you would need at least a 10g tank, but a 20g would be better.


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
first off, it's very irritating and hard to read When You Type Like This Without Enough Punctiation.

Second, the "frogs" you are talking about are probably african dwarf frogs. Google caresheets for them. You will need a much, much larger tank if you are to get them, but they can live together. Ditto what Thyra says, PLEASE read the stickies!

Oct 23, 2011
At My House
I don't know why I didn't read the Sticky as soon as I saw it, I must have been really tired the night I joined. Normal I make sure I read all the "Must reads" Before I start commenting. As for the Sticky I read over it but I hardly understood any of it, except for don't get a small tank and owning fish needs allot of equipment.
BTW my mom made me lie about my age because she didn't want to fill out that forum thingy, so if I make any mistakes in punctuation a thousand pardons. Also the thing With This Is A Bad Habit I Got Into ^_^' I try not to do it though . And thank you for the advice :) . So about a 30g tank would be good for the mollies and 3 frogs?

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Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
There is quite a lot of reading to do in that Sticky, but you do need to try to understand some of it. Try this link:
Fishless Cycle
If you just read the first paragraph under "Introduction" (before the picture of that cute little fish) you will start to understand what everyone is talking about when they ask if you cycled your tank and what your readings (parameters) for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are. Once you understand this (keep asking questions, too) you will be on the right track!