

Large Fish
May 26, 2003
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Would you recommend getting one of those frogs I see in fish tanks at stores? Would they go well in any of the tanks that are listed below? Will they eat the fish I have listed below? They are really cute to watch at the stores but I just want to see if other people here have any experience with them.


Superstar Fish
African dwarf frogs are fine in most tanks. Threy are peaceful and stay out of the way. Make sure you dont get an african clawed frog, which are sometimes sold aS dwarf frogs. African clawed frogs get to be 5 in., whereas dwarfs stay near 1.5-2. Dwarfs have four fingers and clawed frogs have three claws. The clawed frogs are VERY mean and will claw at your fish! I also read that there are VERY few albino dwarfs (but many albino clawed frogs).

Depending on your bettas attitude, u could put one in with it. They are fine in most community tanks as well.

They are cute but somewhat boring- mine just floats around or rests at the bottom of the tank (except , of course, when you are trying to catch them: they are fast!!!)

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Large Fish
May 26, 2003
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Some people have been telling me that the dwarf frogs do eventually get very big and can start eating the fishes when this happens. Is this true? Would a male and female pair breed in a tank or is it impossible? Thanks.


Superstar Fish
Dwarf frogs DO NOT get big. That is people confusing them for the clawed frogs again. Mine has been incredibly healthy and fun to watch when he actually decides to move. As for breeding, I'm not sure, but under the right conditions anything is possible. I say get one. BTW, mine will only eat sinking shrimp pellets.


Large Fish
May 26, 2003
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Looking at my 55 gallon tank stats below, how many would you recommend I get? Do they get lonely if there is only one? Should I get a few? Do they have a tendency to jump out of the tank if I open it?


Superstar Fish
They do not, as far as I am aware, get lonely. I only have one. As for how many to get, thats up to you..Do u want a lot or a cool accent? I'd try maybe four of them. Also, make certain that your tank's cover is tight and that there aren't openings - they will jump out, though probably not while you are standing there. mine likes to hide out behind the filter tube, so when i open the cover i'm just extra careful.


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
A while ago I used to have a african dwarf frog and a beta together in a 10 gal. It was boring, the beta was the only one who moved, countless times the frog would be so still I thought he was dead. They are very cute, but I wouldnt recomend them.


Superstar Fish
unfortunately, fishrmylife, yes they are! but I have 6 ottos (9 actually, the pet store can't count) and 6 cory cats, and 4 longfin gold danios and 4 long fin leopard danios waiting to be put in! And then some gold gouramis and glolite tetras and hifin white skirt tetras and cherry barbs and who knows what else next!!

As for frogs being boring, yes they are. But I think the fun in having them is just knowing "Hey, I have a frog in there!" Besides, they are kind of fun to look for and watch when they do move.

(Im happy to be back on here!!! My internet/modem has been down for ten days and I've only been able to write short answers....long story.....)


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Glad to see you back leopardess. I bet those Danios are LOVIN that 55 gal :)

Sorry Vipex I'm not being much help...I don't really like frogs much, but like Leopardess said it might be cool just to say "hey theres a frog in there" kinda like how I say "hey there is a ghost shrimp in there see if you can find him" :D