Frogspawn hosting a clown?

I heard this is possible on anotehr forum, just wanted a second opinion. A guy who lives in the neighborhood I work in is selling me a frag for $15, and I'd like to try to get it to host a clown when it gets a little bigger. anyone have experience with this?

Oh, and new pics to come soon... I just cleaned the tank up, so I'll try to get some good ones tomorrow.


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
clowns host the corals, the corals don't host fish lol.. some clowns won't host anything at all, others will host everything including powerheads! Its a hit and miss just like 'reef safe' fish some are others will nip at corals it really just depends on the fish


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I had two perculas that hosted in my frogspawn for nearly two years. I tried both a bubble tip and a long tentacle anemone in the tank and there was no way they were leaving the frogspawn. I eventually fragged up the frogspawn much to the dismay of the clowns who then took to the candycane......then low and behold one day about 6 months ago they discovered that there was an anemone directly beneath the candycane and first the male dove in....after a few weeks the female followed and now they won't leave the is quite comical...... as far as which are easier.....I have to say that the two clarkiis that I have in my 29g took to the lta anemone immediately upon introduction to it. I believe that they say that wild caught will host easier as they have seen others doing it.....Personally I don't believe if buying wild caught as these fish are easily captive bred and the captive bred specimens are more resiliant, less disease prone and readily available.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Well my clarkiis took to the lta right away and instantly started hiding food in it's tentacles. The percs don't hide food in the lta but are constantly lying in it and are always all wrapped up in it like a baby in a blanket.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
clowns host the corals, the corals don't host fish lol..
He got it right. The corals host the clowns. :) Kind of like when you host a party, you have people come visit you (you're the host, having people in your home).

Mine hang out in my frogspawn. Be aware that it can (and most usually is) bad for the corals. If you do want to try it, make sure it's a largish, sturdy, healthy coral.

My clowns ignored the BTA that's there for them, and went for the frogspawn. I'm probably going to get rid of the anemone, because that's the only reason I had it in the first place. :)


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Lotus, as evidenced it took my clowns 2 years to find an anemone that was less than 2 inches away from it's coral they won't get out of it. I wouldn't have the heart to try to remove it from them now.....they lay in it all wrapped up like a blanket, diving and rubbing all over it. They can now care less about the corals that they used to guard and defend, now it is the anemone