from massive hair algae problem to red slime bloom


Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT
i am having major issues with a tank at work. it had been neglected for a while and built up a seriuos hair algae problem. i've sort of adopted it and am determined to slowly nurse it back to 'health.' just as it was starting to look much better, it got an insane bloom of red slime algae.

it is a ~360G cold water marine tank with about 20 northern red anemones, 2 juvenile tomcod, a few hermit crabs, 12 sea urchins, a couple of sea stars, and a green crab.

i already know that it is underfiltered. currently, it has 2 40-watt micron paper LifeGuard filters, 2 40-watt micron chemical sleeves (one filled with carbon, one iwth phosguard) and 2 40-watt UVs. oh and an UGF. unfortunatly, no upgrades can be done in the near future ($$$!). in addition to the phosguard, i have a bag of phosphate/silica magnet in the backdrop of the tank.

i spend some time on this tank every saturday and do a water change, change out hte papers, carbon, phosguard and phos/silica magnet, gravel siphon and scrub rocks. to help combat the green hair algae, i had added the sea urchins whcih have helped tremendously.

like i said, now red slime algae has completly taken over this tank. i read from previous posts that it could be a nutrient problme or a flow problme. i don't believe it is a nutrient problem because the anemones are hand fed 1x a week and only anough food is thrown in for hte cod and other critters. the water chemistry is tested once a week by our lab and the chems always look good.

the tank had two oscillating 160GPH power heads. after reading that higher flows could help, i added a maxijet 1200 295GPH power head.

what do you guys all make of this tank and what suggestions might you have to help this tank? here's a pic from last week hwen it was starting to look better.



Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
Visit site
Woah too bad for cyano...this tank could be on reefcentral tank of the month thread if you get rid of the red algae.
Is you water RO/DI ? I had a long bloom of this crazy red slime..using ro/di really helped, and rowaphos alone couldn't do the job. My tap water contains po4 and nitrates.
Also I bought 3 more powerheads to avoid dead spots.
Also, i used polyfilter pads, they truly are great.
I never saw cyano in my tank again.
This tank is so vertically filled i wonder how you can effectively get good water motion. Right now you have 1.7 x your tank per hour...i have between 20 and 30 my tank per hour, some use even more.
Ever considered Tunze or Seio pumps ? Something over 1000 gph ?


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
It absolutely is a nutrient problem. I don't care if you are only feding once a week, you have no effective nutrient export in there except water changes (20% +), which are only effective if they're suitably big.
Get a skimmer. Else you're just be limping from one nutrient problem to the next, even if you do bump up your flow. The flow in there is very low.


Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT
a skimmer is in the works but we wont have the $$ for it until mid-spring. i guess i forgot to mention that in my original post. i want to be able to keep the algae and slime under somewhat control until then if i can.

ignorant question, but does the pump that's plumbed to teh lifeguard units count as flow?


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
It counts but barely.

You have a simple nutrient problem. Fix it with heavy water changes and heavy substrate cleaning. There aren't any miracles here.