Frozen Peas


Medium Fish
Dec 28, 2011
After nearly two weeks of the silly mollies eating next to nothing ( the other day they had a bite off of one flake of food. a minuscule bite) I went to the grocery store and bought a bag of frozen peas. So I know I have to shell them and thaw them, and they can't just eat peas if they even like them, they have to eventually eat some flakes with nutrients and what not in them, but I have some questions.

I only have two in there for cycling. How many peas could I give them? I'll start with one or maybe just a half, but is that enough for them to eat?
How long should I leave them in there before they turn to mush?

and also, just on a different note, the mollies have been picking at the surfaces in the tank, on the decorations and silk plants and sometimes the seal in the corners. Like they are trying to eat something off of it, but there is no algae or anything on them? or is there? They also sometimes pick at each other's sides, not aggressively or anything because they don't flee each other. could they be trying to get the slime coat?

thanks for the help :)


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
The mollies are probably eating microscopic algae and infusoria that grows quickly in your tank. Fry feed on this stuff too.

For the frozen peas, thaw one or two, shell them, and mush the inside in between your fingers. Then you have perfect fresh fish veggies!! Or you could blanch them, shell them, and still mush it in your fingers. After they eat some stuff then they'll be more willing to eat.


Medium Fish
Dec 28, 2011
OK, sounds good. but how will I get them to notice it? it won't float will it? can they not smell it or something? because I dont feel like they ever notice anything in the tank...

I'll try leaving the stuff in there for a bit but i dont want it to cloud the water... should I take it out after a couple hours if they dont eat it or what?

thanks kiara for the reply :)


Medium Fish
Mar 21, 2011
Their probably not eating because your tank isn't cycled. How long have they been in the tank? How often do you do water changes? How big is the tank? What's your readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?

I have mollies in a 55 gallon and they don't have one bit of a problem eating. Lol. Seems like everytime I walk by the tank they think I'm gonna feed them, they get excited and swim up to where I usually feed them.

Ive never tryed the peas, but it sounds like a good idea. I may actually try that one.

Good luck and enjoy the mollies, their great!

Dec 28, 2011
They've been in for just over two weeks. I do 25-30% water changes every other day (tank is cycling) and I've done a few bigger ones when i have weekend time. I don't remember the exact readings off the top of my head but it was in the stage that ammonia is almost at 0 and nitrites are rising. I use seachem prime water conditioner to help out. I'm just sorta weirded out because everybody says they have such hearty appetites, so if the cycle has anything to do with it, and they're not just insane and not wanting to eat what i try and offer, than that's good to know.

I really do like the mollies so far, they are active and very... erhm... whats a good adjective? cute, i guess? they are dalmatians.

thanks for your response :)

Dec 28, 2011
They've been in for just over two weeks. I do 25-30% water changes every other day (tank is cycling) and I've done a few bigger ones when i have weekend time. I don't remember the exact readings off the top of my head but it was in the stage that ammonia is almost at 0 and nitrites are rising. I use seachem prime water conditioner to help out. I'm just sorta weirded out because everybody says they have such hearty appetites, so if the cycle has anything to do with it, and they're not just insane and not wanting to eat what i try and offer, than that's good to know.

I really do like the mollies so far, they are active and very... erhm... whats a good adjective? cute, i guess? they are dalmatians.

thanks for your response :)

Feb 27, 2009
Not hybrids, but a deformed variety of molly, develped by captive breeding and inbreeding for the deformity. They have curved spines to give them the 'hump-back' appearance and are prone to bloat and constipation as a result due to the fact that their intestines often get twisted which can cause blockage. Same with the 'fancy' varieties of goldfish.

Dec 28, 2011
yeah, dalmations are my favourite variety too :) And I've never really liked ballons, they always seemed rather deformed and awkward. I will for sure keep you guys updated on them and let you know how everything is going when I change/test my water next... probably will be tomorrow after school.

Question, I just want to move a couple artificial plants around in my tank, because they make one side look a lot fuller than the other. it shouldn't be a problem if I swap them around when I change the water right?


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Well at least I'm not buying dyed or "tattooed" fish. =/ This was 3 years ago when I knew nothing about fish and tried to put 2 mollies in a 1 gallon fish bowl. I've seen other balloon mollies but I can't find any that were as cute as mine. They're spines weren't as bad and they were great swimmers.

And hey, don't be dissing my fancy goldfish either!! I love them. I'm not going around saying that I think Plecos are ugly.


Medium Fish
Mar 21, 2011
I'd have to agree with KcMopar. Plecos are pretty interesting. I have a 8 inch sailfin pleco named Nemo (4 year lol daughter named him/her and it just kinda stuck). I love that fish! To me he's gorgeous!


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
I like female Bristlenoses and some sailfins. I just don't llike the huge black/brown common plecos. It's creepy though, one "blinked" at me. I know that they don't have eyelids, so maybe it just twitched its eye really fast. But it looked like it blinked at me when I was face to face with it!! xD Can anyone explain this please!?!? I've seen my Otos do it too........I'm not crazy!!! xP

Feb 27, 2009
And hey, don't be dissing my fancy goldfish either!!
Kiara1125, I am not 'dissing' your goldfish. I am curious as to why you would feel that my explaining about the balloon molly being deformed, and the fancy goldfish also bred for the deformed spines, is a personal 'attack.'

It is simply the truth. If you choose to want those fish, that is your choice. Nothing wrong with making the choice to have those fish. I mean absolutely no disrepect.

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