FS: 29g, 60g, & Hamilton Light Retrofit

Mar 19, 2006
I'm mostly a lurker on this forum, but I figured this would be the best place to see about parting with some of my tanks and other equipment. I have the following for sale.

1 - 60 Gallon Standard Tank - $100 (obo)
Marineland Penguin 330 Filter
Flourscent Light Strip
Glass cover
**I also have various freshwater decorations and rock available if wanted.

1 - 29 Gallon Tank $125 (obo)
Marineland Penguin 330 Filter
Incandescent Light Fixture (attached to the canopy)
Rock, Decorations, and Plants

1 - 220 Watt 24" Hamilton Retrofit Kit $100 (obo)
This kit has two 55 watt 10k bulbs & two 55 watt actinic bulbs.
I've had this fixture for about two months. I made two snips in the metal to
swap around outlets, but everything works great. I purchased this kit for
around $200 and change.

Hamilton Ballast

Picture of the two snips made. Sorry for the blurriness.

Additionally I have a ten gallon glass sump available if anyone is interested. Please let me know and I will post a picture of it.

I am located in Lancaster, CA. It's about 45 minutes northeast of Los Angeles. I can ship the lighting if needed. If you are interested in the tanks, they will need to be picked up.