wondering if the fuelleborni cichlid would get along with the fish i have know excluding the rainbow and paradise fish. and the angles would be moved to my 55 gal went it gets set up but they would have to be housed together for a little while.
Agreed, don't do it. Not only does it have an aggressive behavior coming from Lake Malawi but they have a special veggie only diet that they need to stick to. Their snout is speically evolved for scraping algae off the rocks!
thanks everyone for you suggestions. the main reason i asked is bc i called my lfs and asked if they had any some what peaceful cichlids to go with my severum and that would get rather large but not to large and that would back a nice center piece and he suggested the above cichlid that i asked about. well i guess just another example of some fish shop owner trying to make a buck of someone. thanks everyone for your advice.