Fungus from dead frog/ich from lfs!!! wth!?!?


Small Fish
Jul 27, 2011
A month ago i purchased a fish from my lfs that already had developed ich but was not totally visible. I put it in my tank and a few days later i noticed a single shiny dot of ich on one of its fins. i took it out immediately and quarantined it and started to treat it for ich. i called the lfs and they were very reluctant to admit that yes those fish had developed ich and were being treated. I went back 2 days later and all of the fish being medicated had already died!!!! i am using a sensitive fish ich medication so im assuming that they used api rid ich or something too strong. after a week of medicating the ich turned into a secondary fungus infection. I started secondary medication of erethramycin or however you call it and after another week infection was gone. I re-introduced the fish to the tank , but ever since then one fish at a time has been getting the ich/fungus and ive tried medicating them one at a time. Am i dealing with some super fungus? im starting to think i need to give up the ghost and medicate the whole tank. but then there might be another problem..

about a week ago my african dwarf frog died and i noticed yesterday that there was a white fungus/slime covering the tank/ornaments/plants/some fish... any ideas what this might be? My buddy that works at the pet store said they stopped carrying the frogs because they turn toxic once they die? i have been doing 50% water changes daily, should i take all of the fish out of the tank, do a 100% water change, clean the crap out of everything from the sand to the plants to the filter pads and the biomax as well to make sure i removed all the fungus/slime type stuff from everything, fill the tank back up with cycled water from my bigger tank, re-introduce the fish to the tank, and then medicate them while not using the carbon filter pads? should i leave one pad in and take the second one out? and the pads are fairly new do i need to replace them or can i rinse them in cycled water and reuse them? What steps should i take? sry for all the questions i just want to tackle this problem quickly and effectively. thanks

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Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
so Im not familiar with your frog issue... but the ich fungus issue in short is yes, QT the shrimp then treat the whole tank. Remember to remove your carbon before you treat. If you have plecos or anything scaleless like loaches etc take them out before you treat. Crank the heat, add extra o2, use some salt and give the whole tank a treating. It should help.


Small Fish
Jul 27, 2011
Ok I cleaned all of the plants, ornaments, hoses, heater, sand, and then I messed up by rinsing out both of my carbon pads and the biomax thinking that the fungus would still be in the filter. I re filled the tank with cycled water and put all the filters on high to get circulation going. What kind of medication should I use? I have erythromycin, general cure, and super ich cure.