Fungus or disease?!?!

Jul 13, 2005
Recently, my powder blue gourami has developed black patches, that seem to be actually missing scales. He also has been losing bits of his fins, and it doesnt look off color, or like fin rot. He was sitting at the bottom of the tank in a cave, and did not eat until I corraled him to the front of the tank with the net to see what was wrong with him, consequently, netting some food in the process. I worry that he wouldnt have left the cave to eat. I have him in a vase with ich meds in it, in case it is a fungus. I am very worried. If it is stress induced, I blame my red dwarf gourami, taco, who I had previously put in my Mothers tank with a very large angel fish. The angel got so battered by the tiny gourami, that Mom made me take him back. I have put him in a 1.5 gallon betta tank, because I do not know what to do with him. I have noticed that on my balloon bellied mollies there are a few black specks that I swear weren't there before. HELP!

(I have removed the snails and medicated the rest of the tank) *SICK* *SICK*


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Gouramis don't generally get along with either other gouramis or bettas. I think you need to permanently rehouse him.

I doubt the ich cure will help anything at all, I would recommend you remove it with water changes. You could add some Melafix to help him heal.


Small Fish
Jul 23, 2005
If he is missing scales and parts of his fin, without discoloration, it is probably getting harrased by your gourami. Your gourami is probably chasing him around the tank fin nipping him. That is why he is probably missing parts of his fins, and for the scales, he probably runs into things while swimming away or hiding. Take the gourami out and wait a couple days to see if his scales and fins grow back. It shouldn't take long for them to grow back

Jul 13, 2005
I relocated my gourami, the sick one, to 20gal, with a couple other breeds of gouramis, and I gave them a new medication (they were all contaminated) He is looking ALOT better. I think it was fin rot, but I am not intirely sure. After consulting the LFS guy about his symptoms, I got a good medication that is working well. *whew!*

That other dwarf gourami, Taco, is evil, but upon further observation of the fishtank, I do not think that it was the gourami. I had added two mollies to the tank several days before he got ill.