Funniest thing I've seen in there


Large Fish
Apr 26, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
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First of all, I've got to say that my julii corys are the best. I only have two right now, but will be adding a third this weekend.

They're supposed to spend a lot of time at the bottom, right? Mine spend as much time at the top. Why?

Apparently, they have this unending fascination with my almost 3 inch male blue gourami. They both act like they want to be best friends with him, swimming close, one under his belly, one right next to him, smothering him as he hovers near the top.

He's very peaceful -- just sort of lets them hang out in his kingly presence.

On the flip side, the female seems a little lonely now -- like she hated his pursuits before, but now feels a little slighted.

No major worries here -- just wanted to share this cory story -- I find it pretty hysterical. Maybe when I add a third, they will school a little more and let the gouramis be a couple again. ;)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
those cory storys always get me.corys are such funny fish.i guess thats why i like them so thing to know just as a bit of odd knowledge.corys seem to hang out at the surface just before they die i'm not trying to scare you or anything.i'm sure they are fine.just a tidbit of personal experence.also corys will a"dance" sometimes it's real cute espeicaly when three or more do it at the same time.they will all come up to the front glass and shimmie with their bellies facing the's like syncronized swimming


Medium Fish
Mar 10, 2003
Oklahoma City
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"Happy Dance", thats funny. My peppered corys will sometimes come out of nowhere and procede along the gravel right against the front glass in a perfect single file line down the length of the aquarium. Like a little cory parade. Cracks me up every time. They're becoming my favorite fish.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yeah my 3 panda corys will sometimes form a line and begin to search for food after feeding time. Sometimes for no apparent reason one of my corys will shoot up to the surface of the tank and almost do a little jump and come back down. It's really quite cool. Actually come to think of it I've noticed that they tend to do this right after a water change.