funnny, cute, interesting things your fish do...

Oct 22, 2002
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  ;D
one of my green tiger barbs is veryveryvery active!
it likes to swim across the tank from a corner to n other... swim turbo most of the time... ;D
n also he loves to swim to the filter where clean water hit above water level into the tank...
he swims up to the "waterfall" and goes with the flow, from up to down, then swim back up the the "waterfall"... repeatly! so i think he is playing slide all the time... ;D ;D ;D o yea by the way, his name is Turbo~  :-*



Re: funnny, cute, interesting things your fish do.

once - i had this clown loach, and it would always amaze me that he would dissapear during the day - knowing that they like caves and such, i looked into all the caves in my tank, and he was no where to be found. then i got worried and checked the outside of the tank to see if he had jumped out - nothing. then i was just confused, so i left it alone thinking that i could find it later. so, what i did was stay out of my room for a few hours, then go back in - finding the clown loach swimming freely about the tank. as soon as i sat down and looked into the tank, he was swimming up the out take of my magnum filter. i waited - he stayed in there! i popped the top off of my magnum, and he was sure enough in there, so i netted him out - and plopped in back into the tank. then, i took an old net and covered the out take with it and used a rubber band to keep it snug. that fish was crazy.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Re: funnny, cute, interesting things your fish do.

My fish don't do anything cute! They just attack my beautiful betta. >:( >:( >:( :'(

Discus that's one crazy fish! Is that where he was the first time ??? ;D

TLD I had a green tiger barb that used to inhabit my 5.5 gallon and he would do the same exact thing! He loved the filter output. ;D

Oct 22, 2002
Re: funnny, cute, interesting things your fish do.

;D heehee! ryanp14!!! green tiger barbZ RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D :'( poor betta!!! u found n e ways to deal wiz ur betta???

discusaquarium!!! WOW! I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE THAT KINDA FISH!!!!!!!  ;D   i used to have 2 crabs. they climb up to the filter too! n it freaked me out when i do the water change.. becoz they looked like drooled spider in the dark filter! :eek:


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Re: funnny, cute, interesting things your fish do.

hi i have an albino rainbow shark and it goes up to the filter which water flows in to the tank and it does back flips


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Re: funnny, cute, interesting things your fish do.

my new SAE's do a cute thing
they chase eachothers tails so they end up swimming in a circle
they do it really fast too
faster then my eye can follow almost
its pretty cute
does anyone know what this kind of behaivor means? are they fighting, playing, or courting?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
NW Arkansas
Re: funnny, cute, interesting things your fish do.

Well my female guppy and my female swordtail love to swim side by side and my male guppy is always following them. My male also try to protect his female when im pouring new water into my tank he scares my neon away then he sits under the water fall and trys to swim up it but he cant. and my otocolius likes to sit on a plant right under the waterfall from the filter