Does anyone know about cotton wool disease? I'm not sure if this is my problem or not. I have a new tank that was just set up about 3 weeks ago. I have 4 tiger barbs in the tank. The ammonia levels are fine. The ph is just a little above normal but I am bringing it down. I have added stresszyme and stress coat along with some salt to help gil function. The food in the tank at the bottom, along with the plants and decorations in the tank are growing a white fuzz all over them. I am not overfeeding the fish but now they have stopped eating and they are hiding a lot more. Does anyone know if this is cotton wool disease? I read that I should give them a salt bath and add phenoxyethanol, but I have already put salt in there and I dont want to overdo it. Please let me know if anyone can help. :-/ Thanks!