Geophagus sp. "Tapajos Orange Head"


Large Fish
Oct 30, 2006
okay guys i really love the idea katie suggested about having orange heads in the 90gal. so i wanted to know what everyone thinks of them. how many should i get to go with the severum in the 90gal and some great places to research them. and are they hard to find, and what would be the best way of obtaining them. thanks everyone.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
You're best option to get that fish is mail order from someone. Otherwise the LFS might pass off another geo as that.

If you're 90gal is stocked as is per you're sig right now, i'm not sure i would consider anymore fish. At least not Geos. And even so i think you are going to be limited to a very small school of them. They can be very active fish, that grow quite large (Though the orange heads being one of the smaller ones) that need lots of swimming room.

Is this tank 48x18x24? I'd be concerned about having that much activity around the bottem. Kribs, Geos, cories, the botia, and possibly the a tank close to the size of a 55gal (horrible diminsons.). Please correct me if i am wrong on the measurements.


Large Fish
Oct 30, 2006
yes your dimensions are right. i would be getting rid of the angels and anything else (besides the severum) to make room for them. so would i still be able to have them if i get rid of the bottom feeders and everyone else. i would like to keep the botia bc i never even see him only at feedings.


Large Fish
Oct 30, 2006
guess what everyone, i just made a phone call to a lfs that i have heard about (its about 45 mins away) and they said that they just got some Geo. T. Orange Heads in and he couldn't remember right off hand how much but he said between $6-$12. and i told him that i could be there sometime next week and he said that there should be plenty of them left that they usually don't sell to fast bc they are so drab in color as juvies. he said that they are about 2inces and arrived yesterday. i am so excited. i was thinking about 3 of them but i was told on another forum that they like to be in groups of 5 or more. but i would think that 5 of them plus the severum would be a little overcrowded (but my severum does hang out more in the middle of the tank then the bottom where i think the orange heads hang out, right). any suggestions on how many i should get or 3 should be fine. he also said that he would take the rest of my fish off my hands.

Ps- which of the bottoms feeders should i be getting rid of too. bc i am pretty sure that the orange heads will being hanging out more towards the bottom and i don't want it to crowded down there.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
You could always get 5 and try it, and sell some off later on if really needed. I didn't know if you were taking angels out or not. Though the tank's footprint really isn't ideal, it could probably work. I'd just make sure there is some open areas they can hand out around or close to the bottem.

I've never kept anything other then clown loaches, so as to their idea. I'd only think it'd be a problem during breeding....but i can't say for sure.

The corys, well idk....if they are fairly large they should be ok (though again, unsure especially during breeding). Geos have been known to eat small tetras before so anything that small is at risk.

I'm a risk taker, a lot. I like to cut corners and try new things fish stocking wise. So coming as my opinion......go for it. Give it a shot, if it becomes a problem take them out of there.