German Blue / Bolivian rams in 10g

May 28, 2003
Food Chain, Ontario
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Colour me confused - there seem to be many varied views on whether or not one can have a pair of rams in a 10g tank. I have never kept rams before, but I have had lots of other fish and am ready for more of a 'challenge' in the fish department - I know these are 'moderate to hard' keepers and I'm just curious what everyone thinks.

I want to re-do my bf's 10g tank which currently houses a lonely golden chinese algae eater. I will most likely keep him in there because I think he is the devil and do not want to move him into my 30g where he may interrupt my other fish. Anyway, I want to add some good lighting onto this tank and grow some plants, and was thinking of adding 6 cardinals and a pair of rams.

The real question is, do you think rams can be happy in a 10g? Some people say yes, some no - are there particular qualifications? Would you keep a male and female or a pair of females or a pair of males? Would one of these combinations work better than the others? Could you keep only 1 with the school of cardinals? Or do they get lonely? I am not looking to breed them so it in not imperative that I keep a pair - as long as it will be happy!

The school of cardinals is not negotiable because since it IS my bf's tank, and he likes schooling fish, there should probably be something in there that he will enjoy as well. I just thought it might be a good opportunity to try my hand with something else. :D

Thanks in advance for your input!

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I'm one to say yes they can. I'd try and keep a Male/Female pair in the tank. Rams are a bit harder to breed so they may not even end up spawning. I'm sure it would be possible to keep a lone male with the tetras. As males show more color. Rams are picky about water quality....keep it clean and stable! ;) :)

EDIT: Oh and i personally perfer german blues over bolivians. *PEACE!*


Large Fish
Oct 1, 2004
Frisco, Texas
I would say german blues would but not real sure about the bolivians. I currently house bolivian rams in my 46 gallon and they can get quite large. I believe the blue rams stay a few inches smaller and are not quite as active as the Bolivian rams go.

As far as color well there isn't a real comparison the German Blue is definitely more colorful but more demanding of water quality. I have kept both and I really enjoy the personality of the bolivians but the color of the german rams.

Good luck with the plants and fish!!!

May 28, 2003
Food Chain, Ontario
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Thanks! I'm going to have to wait a month or so - that's when I start my summer job and will finally have some $ - but I'm sick of going in the basement and seeing his empty tank. I'm looking forward to the challenge of a fish that might be a bit more picky in terms of water quality, plus, they're so darned pretty (I really like the german blues, too!) I've been coveting them for ages. :)