I was thinking about having a pair of German Blue Rams in my 55g tank. I would like to have a pair but am not sure how aggressive they get when they breed. Even if they did I don't think they could hurt anyone else that is in the tank. They we be with a good sized(5") Angel, 4" Gold Severum and a Medium sized (shy) Siver doller I got from a family member. The other fish I will be putting in there are Marble Hatchets and Corys.
The tank is planted with Amazon Swords, Red and Green Wenditee's, Java fern and Money wort. Filtration is a Emperor 400 with an Ebo Jager heater. Water perameters are all good.
Does anyone see a snag in my plan for this 55g??
The tank is planted with Amazon Swords, Red and Green Wenditee's, Java fern and Money wort. Filtration is a Emperor 400 with an Ebo Jager heater. Water perameters are all good.
Does anyone see a snag in my plan for this 55g??