I recently ordered 2 (hopefully male and female...they said they'd try) a week ago. Well, they came in yesterday and I picked them up today. I took my zebra danios out of the tank because I know they are quite "playful". They have pestered my ghost shrimp to death (survivors I had in the tank for a month). After letting the bag float in the water for 30 mins, they started to "liven up". I put them in the tank water (0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 6 nitrates, 7.1 or 7.2 pH), they started breathing hard and "flapping" their fins. So I turned down the lights and left so there would be little "movement" and less stress (or at least I hoped). I also tested the water in the bag from the lfs, it was 8.0 pH! When I returned home (5 hrs later) I turned the lights up so I could see them better and they started acting like they had when I had first put them. I know that they like lower pH, could the change in pH or my tanks pH be the problem? Do they always act like this? Please help, I'm worried about them.