German ram stressed??


Small Fish
Mar 15, 2003
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I had my german ram for quite some time....and 2 weeks ago moved it to a 15G tank along with his other friends...2 dwarf puffers, a few cories, a dwarf gourami.

I added 4 neon last week. Everything was fine as the ram swam everywhere and no one bothered each other......i just added a few more neon thus making it 10 neons. The tank is semi-planted with lots of hiding spaces ....

Just today i noticed my ram hiding under my hydrocotyle....and also at the corner of my tank....

Never I had i seem her do that... it just stays in one spot and doesnt move... there's no markings of nipped fins as my puffers dont nip anything or spots of diseases.....Is it the shoal of neons that scared her?? Does she need a mate 2 feel comfortable??



Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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im having the same problem with a few kenyis i put in with my jack dempsy, im just gonna take em back already, their a pain in the ass. as for your ram, she might be feeling a little crowded in a 15 gal, but probably not i saw a happy ram in well planted 5 gal hex one time. watch for a while before you buy any more fish but a mate would be a good idea for it, they like to be in pairs.

Oct 22, 2002
Bend, OR
I have a single female in a tank with lots of tetras, they do fine together. Sometimes she hides, sometimes shes out and about. From what you've described everything seems normal.

You do have to make sure and keep that water clean though. 15 gallons gets dirty quick, and rams don't deal with nitrate spikes very well.

I would also advise against keeping her with puffers, but you've already done that and it sounds like they leave her alone, so... :p


Small Fish
Mar 15, 2003
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I've checked my water and am, and nitrites r at 0 while nitrates is very it cant be the water.....i also had a water change 2 days ago...i guess its the new neons i added.......

Yah the puffers and ram dont bother each other....sometimes they are swimming side-by-side like they are buddies...

I'll guess i'll have 2 see how it goes for a couple more days ...
