Get a Betta or No?


Large Fish
Feb 12, 2008
I've been thinking a lot about getting a Betta, well mainly my son wants one.

I don't know much about them other than I shouldn't put two together.

Would it be a good idea to have a betta in tank one? Or should I just forget the idea? :confused:

Personally I wouldn't even bother with a betta. I find them not so entertaining anymore and for some reason my first one had a bunch of diseases some of which were given to my female too. My male betta was the king of the tank and thus chased many fish around. If you do get a betta, you should probably go for a female. They are usually calmer. If you want more bettas after that you can always add more females. It's your choice. :D

Juju was about 2 1/2 inches and Kissyboots is about 2 inches. Finfin's still only about 1 1/2 inches. I hear they live about two years, but you don't know how old they are when you get them. My friend's betta has been alive for over three years. I guess it depends. Oh, and they don't eat flake food, you have to get "betta bites" or something.


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
I disagree. I love my bettas. All of them. They're clever and have so much personality compared to say - tetras.

I wouldn't put one with cichlids though. Generally as a rule it's best to keep them in a tank with non-territorial fish. I would recommend converting one of your nursery tanks instead or picking up a 5G at walmart (get a heater, they'll tell you 'bettas don't need heaters' but they do).

You can give him an Otto or some other small fishes to hang out with and your son will be thrilled.

I don't feed the bites though. Mine either eat Nutrafin Betta Flakes or Nutrafin Tropical Fish Staple Flakes. Which ever happens to be most readily on hand. My female also, strangely loves algae.

Oh, and they don't eat flake food, you have to get "betta bites" or something.
Not true.

I have had two, the original ate flakes, bites and freezedried bloodworms and pea insides.

The current one eats flakes, bites, frozen or freezedried blood worms, algea wafers and pea insides.

I love(d) my bettas.

My first one was pretty much alone in a 5 gallon. Once he passed I restocked and put a new betta in last so that he didn't think he could dominate the tank. Now he gets along with everyone and does his own thing.

Ok, ok. I'm not trying to dissuade anyone from getting a betta. When I got my first betta I fed him flakes until I realized he wasn't eating and discovered that they need betta food. Some bettas eat flakes but I would still stock up on betta food. I think it depends on the fish when it comes to who's dominating the tank. Yes, bettas are more interesting that tetras IMO, but they are not the most active fish. I guess it depends on your preferences...:D


Large Fish
Feb 27, 2008
Lynchburg, Va
I've had my betta for about a year or so now. I love having him just because I think he is so beautiful. I've also noticed here recently that he reacts to my voice, which is pretty cool. They also seem to be relatively easy to care for. I definitely recommend. *thumbsup2
I had a different betta years ago and had him in with a couple african dwarf frogs. They all seemed to get along well. It usually helps if the betta is the last to go in the tank instead of first because of the territory issue... I think someone already said that too...


Large Fish
Feb 12, 2008
I was hoping that he would work well with tank one but seeing as he won't that will mean setting up another tank ..... well my sons birthday IS coming up soon, that might be an idea.


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
For my betta, I am thinking about skipping the traditional "betta in a bowl" purchase and going with a specially bred one. Does anyone have any reccomendations on websites I can check out?
I'm not sure where you are but up here Big Als sells Crown Tails, Double Tails and Veils all kept in nice little bowls (rather then a half a cup of water) so they're more active and lively then the poor plastic cup veils at Petland.


Superstar Fish
Jan 2, 2007
If it were me I'd get at least a 10 gallon tank and add three or four females. I had two plakats (male & female) in my 14g tank until they had I have a lot of babies in there.

My first betta (a veil tale) would eat from my hand. Bettas have more personality than a lot of other fish.

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