gettin knocked down but gettin up again...


Large Fish
Nov 4, 2006
Hi all, been a while again... got a story this time...

So last monday I was at work and had just over an hour left till quitin time... my wife calls to inform me that there was a crack in the tank... the 76 GALLONS of saltwater tank..."AHHH What do I do?" she says... I give her the rundown of what to do and I leave work early.... although 45 mins away- I made it in just under a half hour :cool:
Well... the 55G we got and were slowly growing plants in which just had one of the plants grow a long stem and the start of a white flowery thingy.... it was torn down to house the more needy... salt supercedes fresh in this case.
I was up until 5am to get everything done...

All but a new fish was saved with MUCH thanks to my better half- "the wifey"

New additions to the tank are, two percula's, a small group of green star polyps, 2 pepp shrimp, emerald/mithrax crab and the late royal gramma which developed some problems *SICK* and passed on to the great reef in the sky...

Now for the new plan which is in motion... I just picked up another 55G and a 40G with stand. The 55G will be on top and the 40 on bottom for the fuge/sump.
I need to make partitions for the sump, drill the upper tank for the overflow (or go weir) and might just go with a 55G on top and bottom and save the 40 for the kids or something.... I thought a frag tank would be a good use but the wifey voted that one down :rolleyes: .

That's my ordeal for the week and I promise to take pics as I go forth with my endeavor, and will get around to updating my sig...


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
everything happens for a reason... not too sure why *crazysmil but im sure yur 55 will look just as good if not better ... if u decide to go with a 55 as a sump im sure u can make a frag section that can share lighting with the fuge ;) thats my plans anyways ill let you know how it works out u just gotts wait till june :p


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
wow that sucks, I dread that type of call. I did get woken one morning at 4:30 a.m. by my husband saying "there is water everywhere in the living room" it turned out to be the drain bucket for my protein skimmer had overflowed during the breakin period when it was skimming pure water.....
turned out to be about 1 quart of water but when spread out on a hardwood floor it looks like a heckuva lot more.....:) well now you have to do it how you will be great!