gettin lr over the web


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
has anyone ever bought any LR called Walt Smith Fiji rock? im about to order 50lbs because its only 1.99/lb and its supposed to have quite a bit of color to the rocks allready.. i guess its allready cured so it can just be placed in the tank.. i just picked up my tank today now i have to sit and wait till friday when i get paid again to go get some sand/water and then i wait for another week till my rock gets here :(. i still gotta buy another powerhead.. im gonna go w/ a seico i allready have a penguin 1100.. for lights i think im going to go with 2x 50/50 bulbs or 1x50/50 and 1 20,000k.. ill have about 75lbs of fiji LR and ill take the advice from you guys and buy regular sand and not get the live sand.. ill probably get 2 20lbs of sand and maybe 1 bag of Live sand im not sure yet though.. ill take pics once i get my everything set up and running.. i have 2 heaters not sure what kind they are ill have to check.. i still need a test kit also .. the more i think of it i still got alot of stuff to get :( .. the store near me sells RO water for .25 a gallon so ill just fill up like 50 jugs and use that since i have well water lol.. anyways im almost there!


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Yeah I have bought rock from and they have some pretty nice rock. We got different sizes and their was a ton of color on all of the pieces. Its just a shame that I lost it all (the color) when I was staying at a friends house cause of my foot a while back.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Coraline algae is just that it is algae and living. If the rock is out of the water for a long time it turns white and dies. Usually when you get live rock the coraline is white and takes a month or two to come back. Guppy did yours not come back? It will regrow over the white stuff left. The rock I bought from Premium Aquatics was almost all white when I got it but it is 7 months later and look at the colour it has now.

This is when I first put it in my tank

This was a few weeks ago



Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Jim_Leyland said:
even if its not top notch quality 1.99/lb isn't bad at all!

where did you find it at 1.99? I contacted sales@waltsmith and they said to contact there california branch? Was there a website you actually ordered the rock from (I oculdnt find it at as they only sell to retailers?)


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
yea ebay lol they had a few specials going for 1.99 .. im about to order 40lbs. in a few min.. but its 2.25/lb. comming from Florida because it will take less time than comming from the west coast.


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
the only thing bad about the place im gonna order from is they only ship on monday.. but since its comming from FL it won't take no more than 2 days to get here i don't think.. if your on the west coast they are selling it for like 2.15/lb but their shipping is more.. i didn't get a chance to order it yet.. waiting on my seio 1500 to get here.. but when i do get it ill post some pics.. from the pics that the place has on their page it looks like some awsome rock! just have to wait and see i guess.. gonna be a long wait till next wensday..