Gettin new tank Sat.!


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
Im picking up a free 55 gallon this comming Saturday *thumbsups .. yea i know its only a 55 but its free and its bigger than my 29 lol.. im also ordering my other mh so i can light the whole tank.. Ive got more than enough rock so im just going to need sand really and now i have to find a skimmer.. and new mh bulbs, those are going to kill me! Having some bad problems tonight with my 29! I got some xenia from the fragswap Sunday and went to move it today and i guess it was dead and fell apart in my tank.. Of corse i don't have any ro water on hand or a filter to run carbon in.. hopefully they won't die tonight! Im going first thing tomorrow to get some water, how much should i change? 50%? Another bad thing is im getting alot of zoas and a nice hammer in the mail tomorrow what should i do?! I really hope i don't lose my whole tank b/c of this.. :(


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
exactly how big was the xenia that died? I should think that a 20% or 30% change should fix it.....provided you get it out of there asap. Check your parameters.....


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
I just changed 10 gal, and threw some cabon in, everything is open for the most part.. it was probably around 8 big stalks or so.. i found out that i had bristle's this morning lol.. i never seen em before but they were takin care of the rotten xenia for me lol, i had alot of mini bristels out also.. hopefully everything will be ok!