Getting Back Into It


Medium Fish
Sep 30, 2005
UK, West Mids
*thumbsups As the title says really.
Its not that I have stopped fishkeeping or anything but for about the last two years I haven't really done anything with my tank. Its just over run with java-fern floating everywhere and looking a bit well poo really! *laughingc

As for fish well I have 4 zebra loaches, 1 clown plec, 3 neons left and a very shy blue gourami who seems to think he's a loach!! Its about a 22 Uk galloon or something like 30 gallons in US galls.

I have been here before under the name markrw89 here before (my name is mark), I remember having an argument over my stocked tank with lotus and ecotank who Im glad to see are still here. *thumbsups but think i really only came here for a few months.

Anyway as i clean, redesign and restock Im sure Ill have plenty of Qs for everyone, though I don't promise to be a massive post whore!

Oh and as for me lets just leave it at im a uni student in the UK doing biosciences and I do have other interests too, my nick is a weightlifting maneovure in case you wanted to know.


Medium Fish
Sep 30, 2005
UK, West Mids
thanks for welcome everyone. Love the betta tank lotus, I was going to do the same thing with a 5 gall hex but instead it just gathering dust waiting to be set up as a quarrantine tank. Thing is though the betta looks tiny in there, 5 galls too small for any real sort of community but still looks freakishly large.

How many frogs do you have with him?