Getting bigger tank!


Large Fish
Jun 14, 2003
Orlando, Florida
Visit site
I'm getting a 55 gal setup at the end of the month. I will be putting all inhabitants from the 29 gal in there, except the snail. All inhabitants from both 10 gals will be moved to the 29 gal. I have 2 questions, what else could possibly be put with my tiger barbs and giant danios in the 55? Also, I would like to move my 2 bettas to one of the 10 gals with a divider. Would this work, and is there a dark colored divider that will make them unable to see each other? Any and all suggestions are appreciated and welcome.


Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
I am not too familiar with Beta's, but I think if they can see each other through the divider it will cause a lot of stress as they will try to constantly get at each other. If it is not a clear divider you may be OK. But I would get some advise from someone more familiar than I on the subject.

Jul 10, 2006
Depends on how aggressive the bettas are. I have had many kept beside each other over the years, some don't care some do. The only dividers I know of are see through, but have many small holes for air flow which make it a bit hard to see through. Maybe something you could put on it? Someone have ideas? No worries about posting in the wrong thread, at least it's the right creature, chinchilla questions may have confused some, ;p.


Small Fish
Sep 15, 2006
Tayles said:
I'm getting a 55 gal setup at the end of the month. I will be putting all inhabitants from the 29 gal in there, except the snail. All inhabitants from both 10 gals will be moved to the 29 gal. I have 2 questions, what else could possibly be put with my tiger barbs and giant danios in the 55? Also, I would like to move my 2 bettas to one of the 10 gals with a divider. Would this work, and is there a dark colored divider that will make them unable to see each other? Any and all suggestions are appreciated and welcome.
The male Betta Splendens will tolerate the females, just not the males. What is your surface area for your new 55 GAL. tank you wanted?