Getting Brine Shrimp to hatch?

May 11, 2010
(Well, Brine shrimp technically are saltwater and I'm raising them for my FOWLR tank so I figure this is the right place to post this)

Anybody here raise brine shrimp to adulthood? It seems to me i've having trouble even getting the little guys to hatch. way past 24 hours since I put the eggs in but a couple of hours shy of 36 hours. Maybe they'll hatch by tomorrow morning. Who knows. I want a tank that can sustain a brine shrimp population so I can take out a few every couple of days.

Anyways I'll start with what I did. I initially didnt have any intention of raising brine shrimp until I found a vial of eggs among some of my dad's old hand-me-down aquarium stuff. I'd say they are more than a year old. I figured it'd be a fun and easy way to feed my fish. So, with the eggs I had the most important part down. I went out to my local Petco and purchased a 5.5 Gallon tank and an air pump rated for up to a 13 gallon tank.

I went home and set the tank up in my basement. I added some saltwater I mixed a few days ago and started running the air pump. After about 10 minutes I put in a bottlecap's worth of eggs (probably less). I added a thermometer and a heater about an hour later because I forgot about them. And I also didn't have a light over the tank. I added a light at roughly the 24 hour mark since they didn't hatch.

The salinity of the water is 1.023 and the temperature is 79*F. Did I do something wrong? I thought these eggs were supposed to hatch around 24 hours.

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Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Hatching brine shrimp and keeping them alive are pretty different. Do a search on the boards and see if you can find threads about this because I remember a long time ago there was one person who did a lot of research and tried to do what you're describing. If I recall correctly they had minimal success because it is much more difficult than just putting them in a little tank and keeping them alive.

The little setup I bought to hatch brine shrimp to raise seems to work nicely...its a little black box with a clear plastic container on the top so the hatched shrimp are drawn to the light and you just feed straight from the container.

I only feed them as treats though, as brine shrimp have very little nutritional value...which I found out the hard way on my very first saltwater tank.