Getting equipment ready!


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
Hopefully tomorrow im gettin a 125RR.. Now i won't be settin this tank up for about a year or so b/c we are going to be moving soon and i don't want to go through the hassle of taking it down once i get it stable for a few months!
For lighting im going with 3x 175MH, picking up 1 ballast/pendant and a spider reflector tomorrow for 70.00. going to wire the other 2 up myself with a websight i found you can get a 175watt ballast for 48 +shipping so ill be gettin those in the next month or so.. Probably going to go with 2 Hydor #4's for the main flow.. Im in the search for a mag18 for my returns, i can put a valve on it if its to much return and not enough drain.. Just thought i should go bigger than i need b/c you never know! Not sure what skimmer im going to go with yet tho, probably a asm again.. either g3 or g4 i know the g4 is rated at 300 gallons i believe but its better to have to much than not enough! Anyone have a preference on heaters? ill probably get 2 heaters.. Going tomorrow to get 40lbs of baserock also (only 40.00) and i plan on gettin some rods and building my rock that way.. Im thinking about takin some rock out of my 29g and putting it in a tub with the new base rock so that by the time im ready to put it all in the display tank it will be nice and purple! anyways thats my plan for the next year or so.. if anyone has any better advice feel free to chime in! sorry for the long post lol
~ Jim


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
wow i dont know if id be able to look at an empty tank for a whole year! if u collect equipment for the next year youll have one hell of a tank! i like the idea of drilling the rock and stacking using add some t5's or vho's to the 175's or go with 250w's .... with all this time to plan id definitly go with a closed loop and have a bad a** sump! anyways GL and i cant wait to see the plans come together


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
Thought about the closed loop but i dont wanna drill the tank again, ive done it before with sucess but it was very nerve wrecking! ill probably go with t-5s.
i think ill go with a 100 gallon rubbermaid tub for a sump, its going to be fun putting all this together.. wanna do it right this time!


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
Picked up 43lbs of base rock yesterday and about 25-30lbs of DIY rock that was in a tank for a few months, not sure if im going to use it or not. Might throw it in a bucket with some water change water and a powerhead/heater and check out the ph in a few days.. Also got 1 x 175MH now just need 2 get either 1 or 2 more.. didn't end up getting the tank yet b/c someones supposed to buy my car system and i was going to use that money to buy the tank.. Also ordered my Hydor #4 (only had to pay 5.00) b/c i used my gift card i won for my story!