I have colectivly spent over 9 hours this weekend preparing my tank for the julies. Got some nice rocks at a local landscape place friday, gave them a bleach bath friday, then a good boiling yesterday. Removed the fish who will not be staying in the tank, ended up having to remove all my plants and rocks to do this. Did that and got the plants replanted friday. And spent most of the day Saturday pileing the rocks and I re-did my lighting. I went from 4x60w halogens lights to 8x20w CF screw in bulbs that were 6700k. The difference is dramatic. The whole tank looks better than it ever had with the new bulbs. This finaly prompted my wife to agree to order some CF from Ahsupply. Still a few months before I do so, but Im making progress. I found the bulbs at the Dollar Mart. $1 each. Thats all. I bought every one they had.
And to top it all off, I'm sick. I was hoping I caught it soon enough Friday and got some antibiotics, but it doesnt look like I did. I keep getting worse. With any luck I will be feeling better by tuesday. Eh, who am I kidding, if I feel better or not Im going to be in a great mood once my julies arive.
Im not entirely convinced that I like the rock pile where it is. I may move it to the back corner and move the crypts back there more to the left to make room. I also dont belive that Im going to be able to keep my Male N. brevis in this tank. He knocked off a large male cory and a female bristle nose in the past week. He also ran the female brevis in with him out of the shell bed. I dont know about that one, still pondering on it.
This is the male brevis. Nasty little fish. He kept attacking my hand while I was tring to replant the valls that are behind him. heh, I jumped every time he bit me.
This is not in the same tank. I just thought I would post it anyways. I like these little guys. Red Claw Crabs. I actualy walked in on one who was just about to finish a molt. It was interesting to see. The only problem I have with these is that they are voracious (sp) herbivores. If I dont feed enough greens to them, they will tare apart any live plants in with them. This is a pic of a male.
Finaly our dog. He was pretty tired when I took this picture from a long evening of watching TV and studing VB.
And to top it all off, I'm sick. I was hoping I caught it soon enough Friday and got some antibiotics, but it doesnt look like I did. I keep getting worse. With any luck I will be feeling better by tuesday. Eh, who am I kidding, if I feel better or not Im going to be in a great mood once my julies arive.
Im not entirely convinced that I like the rock pile where it is. I may move it to the back corner and move the crypts back there more to the left to make room. I also dont belive that Im going to be able to keep my Male N. brevis in this tank. He knocked off a large male cory and a female bristle nose in the past week. He also ran the female brevis in with him out of the shell bed. I dont know about that one, still pondering on it.
This is the male brevis. Nasty little fish. He kept attacking my hand while I was tring to replant the valls that are behind him. heh, I jumped every time he bit me.
This is not in the same tank. I just thought I would post it anyways. I like these little guys. Red Claw Crabs. I actualy walked in on one who was just about to finish a molt. It was interesting to see. The only problem I have with these is that they are voracious (sp) herbivores. If I dont feed enough greens to them, they will tare apart any live plants in with them. This is a pic of a male.
Finaly our dog. He was pretty tired when I took this picture from a long evening of watching TV and studing VB.