Getting settled...

Allright, I know that to most of you it sounds like I keep changing my mind however this was my parents decision. The 70 gallon is going to be my fresh water tank and the 30 gallon is going to be my salt. I'm dealing with the 70 gallon for now, and I have a few questions. Would these fish fit and get along in the 70 gallon? Are they even going to be able to live in the same conditions?
One female betta, two sailfin mollies, one corrie catfish, one or two khuli loaches, four glo fish, maybe some fancy guppies, and one balloon dalmation mollie? Would those guys work together? If not, could you point me too a different option for keeping at least the sailfins mollies, the dalmation, and the glo fish? Thanks for your patience, you have every right to complain as I am very indecisive until the last second lol... Oh, and would a silver cat fish be compatible in there as well?


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Define "silver catfish" please *crazysmil

I would go with a male sailfin, two female sailfins, three female dalmatian balloons, 7-8 cories (yes youre gonna need a shoal of them), and about 4-5 glofish.

I tried to incorporate the fish you really want in your tank. the loaches would be unecessary if you decide to go with the corydoras species (automatically youre gonna need at least 6)

What kind of sailfins do you own btw? Black, white/silver, or true green?

IDK if it's there true name, they were labled silver catfish at the petshop, but they were pretty big as catfish go but not too terribly large, they were long and very silver, almost mettalic, and my Mother said she had kept some in a 10 gallon tank a long time ago, and that they had eaten like sharks almost... And thanks, btw, that sounds really cool, the sailfins I have now are two, a mated pair, on an orange, very dominante mail, and the other, a gray female who is constantly pregnant... And again, thanks, this is gonna be fun... I think that you got all the ones I really wanted, and I can't wait for another tank... The only thing that sucks are the filters, they seemed to be working when we got the filter but they aren't doing anything now, and we have it all plugged in and there are no buttons sooo... Anyway, thanks again on the compatibility, it really helps me out...

Feb 27, 2009


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
As another tip, do not add all the fish at once. add a group per two weeks. let your bio filter adjust.

IDK how you're gonna want to split up the cory shoal introduction...I'm currently having trouble with this decision myself. Ideally you want to introduce 1/2 or 1/3 of the shoal at a time. so at first you get 4, then 4 more in two weeks... i'm going to get 6 for my tank, so i'm thinking ill do 3 one week and another 3 in a week or two...

Good luck with everything! post some pics of the project in the rate my tank section of the forums! :)