Getting wet... Again.

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
Long story short I have been out of the hobby 4 a little while, atleast it seems that way. For those of you who are new to SW or MFT in general I had a SW tank up for a little while in the past. I love SW tanks and the animals that can live in them. Frankly I just havn't had the time or energy to keep any tanks right now. Lately I've been thinking, not really thinking, like on the edge of my mind, the idea of setting up another nano. I get my final paycheck this friday and I figured I might as well start back up again.

I figure something along the lines of 5 gallons, corals, high flow. OH and to top it all of my favorite little animal, a mantis. First I need to pick up a tank. I'm trying to firgure out what type of tank I'd like. If Someone has any ideas feel free to share. Any ideas at all for the tank post them.

And thanks to matt... I saw your pics and it made me want to get into SW again.

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
I think im going for a 6 gallon NC. Just got my paycheck and I'm gonna go cash it today. Maybe even go get the tank today. I'm not playing football anymore so I should have alot more time for a tank. I'm trying to choose between white and black sand. I'm getting no more than about 5 lbs of liverock for this tank. A mantis isn't to heavy of a bioload and the tank needs to be a little open and not crowded so I can keep track of it.