Ghost catfish - nocturnal


Large Fish
Aug 31, 2003
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I recently bought 2 ghost catfish, well I didn't, I was in the pet shop with my dad and he said he liked the look of them and would buy me them for my 20 gallon that is currently understocked. Normally I don't like to buy fish without researching but as this pet shop has very knowledgeable staff I asked my questions and was satisfied that it was a decent purchase.

ANYWAY, these two don't like to move around when the light is on, or when its daytime. If I close the blinds and turn the light off they like to swim all over the place. I haven't found anything online that says they are nocturnal, anyone know if they are? Is that even possible for freshwater aquarium fish?


Feb 27, 2009
I kept them years ago (Kryptopterus minor), and found them to be quite active and out in the open swimming, but only when kept with a shoal of 5-10 individuals. They really feel vulneralbe unless the right set up is provided. Check out this link for information on them. My experience was the same with them.

Kryptopterus minor