Ghost Shrimp Breeding???????


Medium Fish
Jul 24, 2011
Richfield Ohio
So a few months ago i bought 4 ghost shrimp. When i put them in the tank they pretty much vanished but i really
only wanted them to pick through my plants to eat up left over food so on n so forth... I was under the impression that they die pretty quickly... I figured the first Molt they would be gone... So long story short i Moved to a new a
new home and of course had to tear down my fish tank... instead of pulling out 4 Ghost shrimp i pulled about 7 out... 3 larger ones and 4 pretty tiny ones.. So only means one thing that they are breeding... What im asking is..
Is there any special way to promote breeding in these things... they are awesome for cleaning up my plants and
keeping from decaying food at the bottom. I have a 65 gallon tall planted tank. 9 amazon swords about 100 floating water cabbage (i had 3 then they exploded and now i have a TON of it and soon will be tossing some) I also have 4 whats called Water Onions 3 decent sized aponogeton (spelling?) and several low to the gravel fake plants i bought for my fry to survive in... anyway any ideas? I was thinking pvc pipe under the gravel for them to run through... who knows Anyone else ever breed these things?

Tank Dimensions
36 wide 18 deep and 25 tall.
Has t5 ho's 146 watts of light.
x3 bottles of DIY Co2 into a Mini Elite Ac130 filter for good spray

guess what im asking is How can i better help these guys breed or should i leave well enough alone...

P.s im adding more plants but during the move all hell broke lose and money that was supposed to go to order a
large shipment of plants had to go into a truck that self destructed on me lol so thats why the lights and CO2.

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
Ghost shrimp are the hardest shrimp to keep and breed. If your are successfully breeding them, DONT CHANGE A THING. Dwarf shrimp are extremely tempermental with conditions in water and how you have things setup. Just maybe provide more cover. I tried ghost shrimp but never had luck, I did Red Cherry Shrimp and I had hundreds but also a different environment. I also wanna say if I remember right you should keep a 2 female to 1 male ratio. Aquarium Fish: Tropical Freshwater Fish and Saltwater Fish for Home Aquariums has some info on them.