Ghost shrimp/cories


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Are ghost shrimp supposed to be hardy, fragile or somewhere in between?  Anyone know?  I added two to an Eclipse Explorer two weeks ago.  One died after a few days and I got a replacement for it this past weekend.  The new one turned up dead this morning.   :(  Ammonia was zero when I tested last night.  The other shrimp and the two white clouds in the tank are all fine.  Do they just not acclimate well sometimes?

If the shrimp don't work out can anyone suggest a cory that would be good for a two gallon tank.  I've been told the panda gets to be only one to two inches long, are there any others that stay small that I should consider?  The only other fish I was planning to add to this tank is one betta.

Thanks for any help you can offer with this.


Oct 22, 2002
Well, you probably shouldn't keep just one Corydora cat. They're social fish, and need to be with a group of their own kind. For a two gallon a betta is a better idea. White clouds, amano shrimp, those could also work in a 2 gallon.

Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
amano shrimps are better i had som ghost shrimps in my tank and for some reason they would die, my amano shrimps were still alive and are still alive somewhere in my tank ghost shrimps don't even eat algae they say amano's are sensitive to temp change and nitrites and ammonia but what isn't but other than that they r great shrimps and my other fish don't even bother them

Oct 22, 2002
I have a couple of algae eating shrimp, not sure if it is the same as the ghost or not, definitely not amano.  They have been doing great.  Did you check the ph of the water, that can make a difference.  If they were used to a higher/lower ph or if you water was greatly different from the LFS water, that could shock, even kill them.  Shrimp also shed their skins, I thought my betta had killed one of mine when I first got them and rescued the surviving one and put it in my big tank.  A couple days later the "dead" shrimp was swimming around being chased by Fred.  It had just shed its skin!  So now I have a shrimp in each tank and its been a couple months now.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
If your shrimp last a year , you have good ones. I only have about 8 out of 15 and 1 out of 10 ghosts after about 6 monthes.

The ammanos keep committing suicide. They get on this one piece of plastic and get out...doh.

I wish their eggs would develop...they always have eggs...guess they need salt for that...

You could get a couple pygmy cories.

Oct 22, 2002
Sometimes the shrimp will breed without your help. I have a two year old mammoth mama shrimp. She's eternally pregnant. It's difficult to distinguish the shrimp apart, except for the mama. But I can see when there are more or less shrimp in the aquarium. I've watched the population dip and swell over the course of the aquarium's life (4 years). I haven't stocked new shrimp, hehe, so unless they spontaneously regenerate ...

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Today, saddly, I discovered my dwindling shrimp population's cause. It is my well behaved tiger barbs(they really are).

I noticed them hiding in my bronze wendtii forest, and wondered why they did that. They used to be out and about all over the place.

Well one came out and the pack attacked it. I was kinda shocked(yet wasn't). Doh, guess I may need to move them to my new 29 planted. *thumbsdown2*


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sorry about that Matt.

Well there aren't any killer barbs in my tank, and I doubt the white clouds are killers.  I just got yet another replacement shrimp tonight, and also my first betta, for this tank.   :D

We'll see how it goes...


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have read that inverts are sensitive to copper.  I think that may have been killing these guys. Does anyone know what concentration of copper in water would be fatal to shrimp?