Ghost shrimp ?


Large Fish
Aug 1, 2005
I think you probably could get too many. Like if u had 300 hundred in a 10 gallon.:eek: But 8 in a ten gallon is okay. You could probably get more. If u have plants it be even better.


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
Good luck with them. I've tried to keep up to fifteen in a ten gallon before as usually two or three will die on me in a day.

Look for tan carcasses and try to remove the bodies if any die... they lose their transparancy when they buy the farm.


Large Fish
Jun 1, 2005
Near Chicago, IL
Slightly off topic, but I figured better to add-on than make a new thread...

About 8-10 months ago my brother got a ghost shrimp in a bag of feeder guppies, so he gave it to me and I put it in my 25g. I would see it occassionally time and again, but haven't seen him in like 3 months. I assumed it died.

2 nights ago I walked in the room after all the lights were out and barely noticed something out of the corner or my eye.. it was "shrimpy" (as my wife calls him) and he is HUGE! The shrimp is about 3" long (not kidding, it's BIG) and looks like a small crawdad, except of course it's clear. How big can these things get? I assumed he would stay small forever, but now he looks like he's the size of shimp you get from the grocer's freezer.


Large Fish
Jul 6, 2005
DePere, WI
They also make great treats for many other fish. I didnt even know that tiger barbs liked them till I brought some home for my eel. I saw my albino, green and regular tiger barbs nipping away at them.

I had bought 5 Ghost Shrimp to add to my 25 Gallon Tank. I soon found 1 dead and whole for that matter and removed it. It was always hard to find all of them at once, but once in awhile I could find 3 or 4. Then I started finding the shedded skin but didn't think to look up what that ment.

Then one day when I was leaving I noticed 1 dead and tore up, figured I would remove it when I got back. But it was gone, probably eaten. Then I had more problems finding them, only 1 at a time, now none. But still only 2 found dead.

I figured the other 3 were probably eaten too. But after reading this and a little more research, I won't count them out. Like I said I did find the shedded skin, they could very well be hiding in the same dynamic hollow rock decoration that my Red-Tailed Shark lives in.