Hmm...very tempting, that's for sure.
I've seen the min. recommended tank size listed over at cichlid-forum to be 55 gal. as well, but then when I posted on there about the idea of housing an oscar in a 55 gal., I was basically advised not to do it (i.e. unless I had a 75 gal. minimum).
You really think one would be okay for a year or so in the 55 gal.?
I'm really tempted to get one. From what I've heard from others, they make excellent wet-pets...very personable fish, which is why I think I'd favor a solo oscar over even a breeding pair of salvini. Besides, the sals are cool and all when it comes to feeding-time (i.e. think live-feeders and lots of carnage), but oscars evidently can be pretty adept at hunting down prey as well!
So what the heck, eh? An oscar would fulfill the 'entertainment value' that live-feeding would provide. Their coloration is really nice too---comes in so many varieties that I could pick out the one I like best. And they would be by far more personable than the salvini, which is my #1 gripe about the sals. (watching a stealthy predator lurk in the shadows and dart out occasionally is only fun to watch for so long...I'd rather have something that actually looks at me, lol)
So, how am I doing in terms of convincing myself to ditch the sals and get an oscar?