Giant Danio Dithers aka Lunch

I have been keeping a small school of GD in my 55g tank with my 6 inch Oscar. Not anymore! Over the last 2 weeks he has hunted down and eaten all 3. I thought Gds were supposedly too fast to catch? These were 2 inches atleast! The first one he spat back out and it died... The last 2 he caught tonight and didnt spit back out... Will they hurt him? He is swimming around like nothing happened... Any suggestions? Ugh and he has eaten 6 meal worms, 23 mini pellets, and 2 GDs today..LOL... what a piggie!

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Will they hurt him? Doubt it.

They are fast but consider an oscar as an ambush type predetor. Slowly creeps up or gets the fish close and takes them in one gulp. Compared to something like an african that will just beat the thing to death and not acctually eat it.

I'd say the speed would come in more handy for Africans. They'll chase and go back to the territory they are defending. Not gulp down intruders.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Good to know, missdixie.
I wonder if this means that he'd be good at catching small convicts? Just curious, because I can see myself trying them out as live feeders for an oscar someday. ;)

By the way, if you've got any updated pics of Draegan, I'd love to see em'!


Jul 28, 2006
I bought two female sunhine peacocks last week along with three electric yellows to go in my mostly african tank. Well I have a Jack dempsey that I have had since I started the tank. He is actually the boss os the tank, Anyway I introdcued all of the new fish at feeding time and went down to look at the tank a few hours later and noticed that one of the peacocks was in his mouth.. looked like he snuck up behind it because it was in his mouth tail first. I've noticed theotherones I just put in are hiding a little better til they get a little more size on them. I always think the fish at the store are closer to the size of my fish until I get them home. I do have three tiger barbs in there as well and they seem to be doing fine.

BV, I have heard of ppl using convict fry as oscar snacks :) An tropicalfish/cichlid can be used as feeders as long as they dont have barbs or sharp pointed fins. :) He swallowed this GD in one bite head firrst.. It was amazing!!

Draegan is a big pink He tops out now at about 6.5 inches total length.

I have pics from the end of April. the ones I have taken lately just havent turned out but I will be taking new ones when i clean his house tonight.. Silly creature... So I will update this evening!

andx a baby pic

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Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Gorgeous oscar! Thanks for the pics. :)
Refresh my memory...when did you get him, and how big was he at that time? His tank is a standard 55 gal. (48" x 12" footprint) right?


I got him March 24. He was round about 2 inches maybe 3 tops... Not big enough to take a Hikiri Medium Pellet without problems... The page posted below has his baby pics on it. He has grown about 2 to 2.5 inches a month. He gets meal worms, hikiri staple, hikiri gold, a few flakes, defrosted fresh peeled shrimp, blood a bite of mango now and again.. he basically eats anything stupid enough to get tossed or fall into the tank... He also jumps out to nip fingers!

Yes... Standard 55G with 2xs a week 75% water changes... With the speed and size he is growing to a 75G is in his future! Not a change in length but certainly one in width.

His web page is
My Tanks Click on his name to read about him or Callyx which is the other oscar that i have at my office. :)

His tank is also semi planted...

Banana Plants
Java Fern
and one giant stran of something else.. you can see it on the left in one of the pics.

The only thing he destroys is he uproots the banana plants and drags them around the tank. I kind of like the over grown look of the anachris because it drowns out some of the light when it gets tall before i trim it. Kind of a natural setting.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Wow, oscars grow really fast!
I kinda knew that already, but it puts it into perspective a little better coming from someone on the forum who has been raising one (well, two really, I suppose). ;)

No tank upgrades in my future for the time being, so now I'll definitely squash any lingering thoughts I might have been having for keeping one solo in my 55 gal. tank. I'd go for it if I knew the oscar would stay under 8 inches or so in a year's time (when an upgrade might be in store), but based on the ~2-inch/month growth-rate Draegan's been having, I just don't see it working out too well for me. Someday...

Anyway, enough rambling from me.
Good luck with the upgrade too whenever you end up getting a new tank!


Haha... He is just putting on major growth... The other one I have is also in a 55g but not growing nearly as fast as Drae. 55g is the minimum recommended tank size for a solo O. So you could get away with one :) I just have my heart set on a few SD's...LOL... I KNOW he will eat danios so I wont be trying them again.

If you want one :) go for it! Oscars grow fast but after 8 inches or so they slow down from what I understand :D

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Hmm...very tempting, that's for sure.
I've seen the min. recommended tank size listed over at cichlid-forum to be 55 gal. as well, but then when I posted on there about the idea of housing an oscar in a 55 gal., I was basically advised not to do it (i.e. unless I had a 75 gal. minimum). :confused:

You really think one would be okay for a year or so in the 55 gal.?
I'm really tempted to get one. From what I've heard from others, they make excellent wet-pets...very personable fish, which is why I think I'd favor a solo oscar over even a breeding pair of salvini. Besides, the sals are cool and all when it comes to feeding-time (i.e. think live-feeders and lots of carnage), but oscars evidently can be pretty adept at hunting down prey as well!

So what the heck, eh? An oscar would fulfill the 'entertainment value' that live-feeding would provide. Their coloration is really nice too---comes in so many varieties that I could pick out the one I like best. And they would be by far more personable than the salvini, which is my #1 gripe about the sals. (watching a stealthy predator lurk in the shadows and dart out occasionally is only fun to watch for so long...I'd rather have something that actually looks at me, lol)

So, how am I doing in terms of convincing myself to ditch the sals and get an oscar?


mwhahahaha you sold me! :D They are such lap wetdogs I swear I couldnt part with Drae or Callyx! Drae even sleeps in the corner closest to my bed!! So sweet! When my alarm goes off he is there and waiting to be fed...

You don't pick your oscar... S/He picks you! I wanted a lovely tiger but this odd colored pink one stole my heart! He kept swimming along the tank trying to get my attention! And tugged my heart strings too!

A 55 should be fine for a year... In my estimation anyways :) You of course will be the one that does the water changes and things :) Also, alarge part of their diet should be quality pellet foods.. Drae is a great hunter... Or so I tell him anyways...LOL.. When ghost shrimp get back in stock I will be picking up a dozen or so :D

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Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
missdixie256 said:
You don't pick your oscar... S/He picks you! I wanted a lovely tiger but this odd colored pink one stole my heart! He kept swimming along the tank trying to get my attention! And tugged my heart strings too!
That's exactly what happened to me a month or so ago, which really made me start wanting one. It was a nice red oscar with a greyish base's like he was saying "pick me...pick me..."

Anyway, I think I'll take a trip out to the LFS's tomorrow morning and see if any of the oscars 'picks me' as its new owner. I'd kinda feel bad getting rid of the sals, but I've flip-flopped on them so many times that maybe it's just not meant to be...I think I've over-analyzed things with them too much with trying to get their setup just right, etc. Just seems like I'm 'going through the motions' with these guys.

All I know is that I've wanted an oscar for a while now, and deep down it feels like the right decision, so I think I'll just go with my gut for a change.

Thanks for putting up with me hijacking your thread, lol. :D
I'll do my best to try to report back tomorrow with some good news. And don't worry, I won't rush anything---I'll let the oscar pick me! The stores in the area seem to have quite the selection to choose from, so I'm sure at least one of them will be the 'right one' *SUNSMILE*

Gettin' late! I'm up past my bedtime, lol. Goodnight.

Awwwwwwwww! When that sweet little oscar face lights up with joy when SHe sees you, you won't be able to miss him/her!

Im soooo happy for you!!! Don't forget to take lots of pics!! I almost cried tonight when I was diggin through draes baby pics lookin for ones to post on here... My 'baby' isn't a baby anymore! lol Hijack away anytime BV!

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Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
BV, I'm so excited for you LOL
Omg, BV and missdixie you both have made me want to try oscars again, I simply love everything about them. Ah heck, guess I'm going to get another oscar soon! :eek:

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Thanks for the vote of confidence, missdixie. He seems to be feeling right at home---now hanging around the front and watching me a lot more. He chases away the other fish too if they get too close and at feeding time. And thanks for all the helpful advice and 'playing along' with convincing me to get an oscar in the first place. :)

Oh...and thanks for the name suggestion too, by the way---Triton it is!
It's perfect too, because it doesn't sound know, just in case 'Triton' ends up being a female. :D