Giant Gourami's gone :(

Feb 13, 2006
Well, I took the osphronemus gourami to the LFS (PetCo) to try to save it's life. It was not eating for the past 4 days, and it looked like it has cobwebs over its eyes. There was a white fungus or something over it's entire body, and it was lethargic. Although the other fish in my tank are healthy, I saw the big girl going downhill fast, so I took her to PetCo and they put her in a 50-gallon cube which looks huge compared to a 50-gallon rectangle tank (where can I get one of those awesome three-cube overflow tanks???) and she looked even worse in their bright lights and crystal clear water. She had red tint to her fins, and her fin "skin" was receding between the spines of them and looking like a fork or something. I didn't want her to die on my watch, and I got her to people who have much larger tanks than my 39-gallon tank.

Any idea what got to her? My danios are fine and never skipped a beat. Those spastic fish are still darting all over the tank. My albino frog is fine, as is my irredescent shark and glowlight tetra. In that tank so far, though, I've lost 4 clown loaches, two plecostomus' and two hatchet fish. I have the Emperor 280 filter with bio-wheel and the Penn Plax 150 filter. I am religious with my water changes, and I always make sure to add AquaSafe and aquarium salt to the 10-gallons that I replace.

Feb 13, 2006
Salty Fishes said:
That definately sounds like a serious fungal infection to me (fin rot is caused by a fungus). :(

Just curious, why didn't you try to treat her in your tank?
Well, I guess my honest answer would be that I soon grew to regret the purchase of the massive fish because my danios were miserable, and she really made my tank a mess. When she swam she stirred up so much crap that my filter strainere was constandly clogged.
I liked the novelty of the fish, but toward the end I was just wanting my tank back. The water was constantly cloudy from her when previously it was crystal clear, and my other fish would just inhabit whichever corner of the tank the big one wasn't because of fear.
One of the moderators told me that adding a 10" fish would be a lot worse than adding ten 1" fish, and I never thought about that.

In addition, the fungal treatment I bought requires that you remove all carbon filtration, which involves the filter media since they're one, and since my water already looked dirty and cloudy, I didn't want to run without filtration in order to treat the fungus.


Large Fish
Oct 21, 2005
Ithaca, NY
with a tank thats cycled, the only one that is going to change too much is the nitrates, which seems to be the only one you don't have. If there was a lot of fish waste, I'm guessing your nitrates were rather high.

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