hey all,
My g/f's "Pug" (siamese beta) is sick. A few days after we got him he seemed to stop eating. She says he's losing his color.
Any advice? Is this an illness? Is it too warm? Etc. I don't know much about betas.
(and please no "get a real fish" bs, this is her first fish and she really liked this guy cause it was the only one that would look at her, and she really doesn't want Pug to die.)
Any advice, please email me jason@porthaven.com
Thank you!!!
My g/f's "Pug" (siamese beta) is sick. A few days after we got him he seemed to stop eating. She says he's losing his color.
Any advice? Is this an illness? Is it too warm? Etc. I don't know much about betas.
(and please no "get a real fish" bs, this is her first fish and she really liked this guy cause it was the only one that would look at her, and she really doesn't want Pug to die.)
Any advice, please email me jason@porthaven.com
Thank you!!!