Giving 46 Gallon Bowfront as present - ideas?

May 11, 2010
Clearly you can't just give somebody a fish tank without consent, so I did notify my brother I would buy and setup a 46 Gallon bowfront in his living room on one condition: it has to be a freshwater setup. He doesn't want to hassle with making saltwater and having to spend over $30 for the nicer looking fish. No discus either, too hard and expensive for him.
So, I want ideas on the setup. He likes colorful fish, but he doesn't like small fish like platies and guppies. I'm thinking African Cichlids, but I'd like to hear opinions.
Oh, and can someone reccomend a specific filtration system?


Medium Fish
Jun 11, 2010
You could try several different options for this tank.
Cichlids might be nice, but you can only have THAT species, as they are aggresive with other fish...
Have you thought about having a semi-aggressive tank, such as perhaps a mix of Angels, Goramis, and some Rosie Barbs?
If he likes colorful fish, then maybe you could try some parrot fish. they are VERY colorful and like alot of room, but keep in mind they as well can be aggressive.

Hope this helps! and good luck with the tank!

Cardinal tetras do only get up to about 2-3" but I cannot express how gorgeous they are. They add a beautiful harmony to the tank, I have about 10 and they school together with bright vivid colors. And with them being in a school it's like having a large fish but you get to see multiple swimming around. They're also beautiful with plants, I'm not sure if you're doing a planted tank or not?

They can be sensitive fish and some people find them hard to keep, honestly I'm no fish expert and still learning and haven't had many issues at all.

But if you want pretty big fish they might not be the perfect choice.

Good luck in your search! :) &awesome gift by the way.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Eventually my 46gal bowfront is going to be set up as an angelfish tank (almost a bio-tope, really). I will have a pair of angelfish, a school of (6) congo tetras, a school of (6) cardinal tetras, a gypsy king tiger pleco and a variety of cories. My tank will have driftwood, TONS of live plants and be filtered by a canister filter (probably a Cascade 1000 or similar).
Something similar to this: