Glad I found this site


Large Fish
Jun 1, 2005
Near Chicago, IL
I think I'll be hanging around here for a while. This site looks like it has a ton of information. Everyone seems friendly and helpful (so far) as well.

I started 'seriously' fish keeping about 9 months ago. It started last summer when my (then fiance) wife won a carnival goldfish. I failed to win it a friend, so I bought 3 more feeder goldfish and a 1 gallon aquarium. 2 survived and moved on to a 5 gallon Hex. Not long after I started a 10 gal tropical tank. I had that about 2 months before I found a 25 gallon eclipse for sale in the paper, with fish. The fish were in bad shape as the lady before me didn't know what she was doing. She acquired the tank from a neighbor who was moving. There were problems such as "I unplugged the filter because it was loud" so you can only imagine. Some of the fish made it, while others did not. I found some new homes, as I mainly bought the aquarium for the tank, not the fish. I would like to focus on dwarf gouramis mainly - but have a few healthy blue gouramis that will need to leave first, as they bully the dwarfs too much for them to live together.

Anway, I'm rambling now. Glad to be here.