Glad we finally found some place like this.


Small Fish
Dec 5, 2002
Nacogdoches, TX
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Well, like I said. Me and my wife have been searching for a place that we can talk to other fish fanatics as well as get answers to some of our questions. We got our first tank about a year and a half ago and have basically gone nuts every since. We spend more money on our tanks it seems than we do on our self. Heck, if it came between me and her eating or our fish eating...well that would be a very tough decision.:) Any way, like I said we have two tanks. One (our first) is a community tank w/bala sharks,red finned shark(my personal favorite),clown loaches,a couple of cory's,and what I believe to be a red finned botia(?). The other tank we have only just started and it is a cichlid tank. They are quickly becoming my favorite. So now that I told you a little, WE NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Small Fish
Dec 5, 2002
Nacogdoches, TX
Visit site
well, we have three in our 55 gallon tank. I know, I know, they get bigger. A lot bigger. I've seen some at the Galleria Mall that were full grown. I had now idea they got that big. I found out pretty quickly though. Right now they are around 5 to 6 inches long. When they get bigger i'll either sell them or get a bigger tank. I'm opting for a bigger tank but I don't know if the wife will let me spend the money. hehehe
In my cichlid (african) tank i have 5 babies. We have only been able to identify one of them, the rest we have not been able to find their name anywhere. The fish store that we bought them at wasn't exactly helpful. Price you pay when living in a small town.:rolleyes: