Glass Aquarium-Help


Small Fish
Feb 15, 2004
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I live in Missouri and we just got hit by a terrible ice storm, my power was out for the past 5 days and I lost all of my fish but one:mad:
O.K I'm moving past the grieving, and now I'm trying to clean my glass aquarium. We have really hard water here, and I am finding the inside of my glass has a pretty good film of white now that it is empty and dry.
What do you all suggest I clean it with so I can get it up and running again.

Would a scouring pad and vinager be alright?

Thanks in advance.

Oct 15, 2006
Even though glass does not scratch as easily as acrylic, make sure that you use a good scrubber and that you don't scrub too hard. Constant scrubbing will lead to "micro" scratches


Medium Fish
Feb 26, 2006
Not sure if this would be *right*, per se, but I use the blue scotch brite pads. They aren't supposed to scratch non-stick pans, and I have one just dedicated to the tanks. Works great for excess algae. I agree with everyone else about the vinegar...seems to work great if you can get past that terrible smell!!!

Orion, I'm just too clumsy to use a razor blade. Was scraping old window tint off of a car window once and almost sliced my arm off! (Okay, I'm exaggerating, but there WAS lots of blood!!!)