okay, i just want to say something too, on my 75 gallon i have a glass top, but on my 20 high i have the plastic top, there both great too me, i do prefer the plastic sometimes more than the glass and the glass more than the plastic, with the glass you can fit more lighting on, view fish from the top without opening the tank and have a very heavy top, plus theres not as many holes that fish can climb out of. The plastic fits usually better on a tank and it does seem like light wouldn't be lost. But from what i've learned in Science black absorbs all light colors and most plastic tops are black. and white light has all colors in it so a lot of light that reflects off the water would be absorbed into the plastic part, i think. With glass light does shine through because it is transparent, but not all the light goes through, some light will be reflected back. that's my infrence, but who knows, i could be wrong