Glass Catfish

sorry, i dont really know which forum this should be in, :eek:, but they are catfish!

well anyways, my friend unexpectedly gave me a pair, now that im free of school, i have to do some research, but does anyone have some quick knowledge on them? i know their fragile, need clean warm water, anything else? right now (good thing the bag is large) its floating in my fry tank, in the tank are 4 fullgrown white clouds, and three 3/4 inch guppies.

thanks guys!

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well, i tried to feed them bloodworms. i just like took a pinchful and spread it around their side. few are floating while the rest are at the bottom. the glass cats dont seem to have eaten them. now i just need to see if i see a wormless bottom. they seem to use too much energy when they freak out and fall to their side motionless as if they was dead, but they still breathe, so im like scaried they stayed in the bag too long...what should i do?