I realize cories zip to the surface and take breaths of air now and again, that's how they produce sound and all. But I'm talking regular, belly to the glass, back and forth, nerotic -pacing-. Almost constantly, into the current where the filter outflow hits the glass and decends (Penguine 330 on a 20 high).
I've three emerald greens in my six gallon that don't do this pacing, and you're right, I do see one of them now and again come up to the surface to take in some air. But they don't glass pace. They act, well, like what I would call normal. For all I know they could be abnormal because they don't pace *shrug*.
The other cats are constantly against the glass. It doesn't matter if I have the hood lamp on or off, if the air bubbles are on or off, if I'm in front of the tank or not. Always pacing. The only time they're not interested in the glass is when they're looking for food.
I thought a fuller tank up top might make them feel a bit less secure and stick to the bottom like catfish ought to. The emerald cories share a tank with some tetras, a rainbow shark, a green TB, a honey groumi, and clown pleco. So I figure the emerald greens act "normal" because there's enough open water fish to keep them low.