Glass pacing...


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
How do I stop my catfish from doing this annoying habit? I've got everybody in trios and they still each find their own corner and just go back and forth, back and forth, back and forth....enough to drive -me- crazy! I've got little channel cats, sterbai cories, silver tipped sharks, and sun cats. This is just, annoying, and I don't have room to put tens of them in the tanks!



Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well, I'm glad my fish are happy, but I wanted to relax when I sat down to do my hour a day fish tank therapy, not be driven crazy by egotistical fish *grumble*. I even made all these cool little rock caves I figured they could crawl under and just stick their little wiskered faces out of, but nooo..they're all belly dancing to the glass! At least I can tell if they've eaten or not.

I'm thinking some danios or white clouds to school up at the top. The movement might disturb them enough to keep them on the bottom since right now catfish are all I have in the tank.

If I watch these guys any longer, -I'm- gonna need a smoke.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet
My Zebra Danios have no effect on the Cory. And it's not unusual for this particular Cory to zip to the surface - it seems as if it actually comes out of the water.
(No, it's not because of water quality - everything has stabilized quite nicely, thanks to the wonderful advice...)

I've just chalked it up to mania


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I realize cories zip to the surface and take breaths of air now and again, that's how they produce sound and all. But I'm talking regular, belly to the glass, back and forth, nerotic -pacing-.  Almost constantly, into the current where the filter outflow hits the glass and decends (Penguine 330 on a 20 high).

I've three emerald greens in my six gallon that don't do this pacing, and you're right, I do see one of them now and again come up to the surface to take in some air.  But they don't glass pace. They act, well, like what I would call normal. For all I know they could be abnormal because they don't pace *shrug*.

The other cats are constantly against the glass. It doesn't matter if I have the hood lamp on or off, if the air bubbles are on or off, if I'm in front of the tank or not. Always pacing. The only time they're not interested in the glass is when they're looking for food.

I thought a fuller tank up top might make them feel a bit less secure and stick to the bottom like catfish ought to. The emerald cories share a tank with some tetras, a rainbow shark, a green TB, a honey groumi, and clown pleco. So I figure the emerald greens act "normal" because there's enough open water fish to keep them low.


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have a pictus that does that every once in a while.  Is he only happy when he does that? 8) I'll go get him a smoke  I was concerned when it did it at first but he (or she) doesn't do it often.  


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I've noticed that, my channel cat (which I found out isn't really a true blue channel cat. I love only comes out to play at night. During the day he goes into a little rock cave and hides, sticking his little whiskers out. As soon as sunset rolls around, doesn't matter if the hood lamp is on or off, he's pacing the glass. He's doing it now, I keep seeing flashes of white belly in my completely dark and black tank.

But the other fish don't seem to care what time of day it is, pace pace pace pace pace. They are just some really darn happy fish. I WANT WHATEVER THEY ARE ON! 8)

I will say this, at least I have the most visible clown pleco ever. I bought a little 1/4"er and figured "yup, that's it, I'll put him in the tank and I'll never see him again." Not so, he's always sucking on the front side of the glass. I've got some nice driftwood all arranged to show him off to his best...but nope...stuck to the glass.

I guess I'm the one who's that darn good lookng, ya think? ;)