Glo fish

Mar 3, 2009
:confused:anyone know much about these...i had one that was bloated tried everything to help it...this morning turn on lights and low and behold not so bloated and several others are chasing and nipping its underside...i read somewhere that they are sterile???...need help...did i have babies or eggs and they all got eaten?????:confused:

Jun 21, 2008
From the glofish website:
"Do you have to add a fluorescence gene to every fish before it hatches?
No. Today's GloFish® fluorescent fish are bred from the offspring of fluorescent zebrafish that were originally developed several years ago. Each new GloFish® fluorescent fish inherits its unique color directly from its parents, maintains the color throughout its life, and passes the color along to its offspring."
So no, they're not sterile. I suppose your fish could have laid eggs, or it could have just been bloated and passed whatever it was during the night. I'm not sure why the other fish would have been nipping at him/her though. As far as care goes, they're just genetically altered zebrafish, or danios, so anything you read about those fish should apply to yours too, just fyi. Here's the glofish website. GloFish® Fluorescent Fish Home Page

Mar 3, 2009
I read on that site and i guess females are usually rounder and male longer and the bloated one was definately a female...I'm thinking 2 females and 3 males in my little group...Maybe she was constipated cause see a large peice of detritus in the tank that wasn't there last night...Moved some plants last night so tank go pretty stirred up...So who knows she looks happier though...She never got sluggish and wouldn't eat a pea...starved everyone and still nothing...She still looks bloated though.

Mar 3, 2009
Just can't figure out why this one fish stays bloated...tried the pea thing didn't work...didn't feed for a coupe days didn't have to say every little speck on the bottom of the tank disappered though


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I've been told by a *really* old school fish guy that Daphnia act like a laxative. Got nothing to back that up though so may not work even if it is constipation. Can't hurt though.

I have seen some REALLY big (fat from eggs) female danio's though... so it could just be that. In fact, that's what my money is on if everything else is ok.


Mar 3, 2009
My ammonia is at 0, my nitrite is 0, and my nitrates were at 10 when i checked yesterday...I usually to a 10-20% water change on Saturdays...don't know what's going on with her...had a small male following her and kinda pecking at her in her anal area...She swims, eats, plays, and does everything else a fish does...seems perfectly happy.

Mar 3, 2009
No she isn't pine coned already checked that before i started this thread...She is just fat and happy litt gal...Wal-Mart sells them for like $3.97 so they are kinda bringing the price down everywhere else...but have seen them for like 6.99 and 12.99 laughed at that last one...