I see you have a bamboo shrimp! I have 1 as well and was wondering if my experience was similar to yours. When I first got him a week ago, he stayed hidden up in a rock cave )that has an airstone bubbling into the top) in my tank almost out of site, unless I turned off the filter & bubbles for feeding, then he might venture out slightly, but would return quickly. Yesterday he started swimming around the tank, started hanging out on my plants, and molted in a matter of minutes! He is still out and visible right now. Was hiding because he was getting ready to molt, or did he finally warm-up to things and this was coincidental? I have read and have now experienced that when they are healthy and happy they turn from their brown color to a maroon. When I got him he was brown-ish, but n the last couple days, he turned the redder color. What are your thoughts/experiences? THANKS!