Glowlight tetras feeding problems!!!! HELP!

May 9, 2005
I acquired 3 glowlight tetras last friday. They went into my 10 gallon tank. The tank had a little bit of bacterial disease in there I think (fin rot) and after the addition of a few new fish I got some fish deaths, namely guppy fry. It seemed to be due to cotton mouth, but I'm not 100% sure.
So these tetras just stay around in one spot alot, not moving too much. They have not accepted food for the past few days. I am currently medicating the tank with melafix, but even before that they didn't accept food. All my other fish eagerly eat except for them. I have given flakes, freeze dried bloodworms and frozen bloodworms. They see the food but don't seem interested. Occasionally they will get near a flake, either try to eat but spit it out or just seem disinterested. Whats wrong? What can I do? Thanks


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
*scolds turtle for getting new fish wile the tank isn't healthy* shame one you!

Ok with that out of the way. 3 isn't enough of them to feel comfortable. Even if you had six this isn't uncommon for new wild caught tetras. Try offering them frozen baby brine shrimp. But the stress of being moved around to finally be in your tank, only having 3, plus the meds in the water may be too much for them. It's a bad idea to introduce new fish to an unhealthy tank, an even worse idea to do this with sensitive fish like tetras.

May 9, 2005
I actually wasn't aware taht the tank had issues till I introduced the new fish. Afterwards, fry seemed to vanish and I found a dead female guppy. Its very sad really. My water is pretty hard, could this be causing it? The store I get em from uses the same water as me (we are very close) and they said it was ok. Melafix shouldnt be too much for them right? One of them seems to have a little bit of fin rot itself.


Large Fish
Nov 10, 2003
Visit site
Whenever I buy almost any small tetra, I gbet at least five, and out of the five, one usually dies....thats just how tetras are. so if you buy three, you are doomed from the start pretty much. they need to be in groups, they look so much prettier and happier and they dont hide in the corner. My tank s a jungle so they alway have a place to hide if they are stressed, and they always becaome a closesly knit school when frightened, something they cannot do if there are only three of them,.

May 9, 2005
Hmm, I do know people who keep them in ones or twos. They do seem to just stay in a corner and hide though, i thought glowlights were hardier than neons or other tetras?
At this point I'm def. not buying any new ones, isn't it possible for 3 to acclimate to the tank?


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Well then in that case you are forgiven LOL!

The meds shouldn't be enough to cause this much stress but mix that with just being shipped all over Timbuktu then to your tank added to the fact that they aren't in the right numbers...All that is plenty. You need to get more.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
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