Glowlight tetras


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Hey all. I picked up a complete 10gal tank today off Craigslist for FREE *BOUNCINGS and it came with three glowlight tetras. The lady didn't even know what they were, but said the LFS sold them to her as "gold stripe tetras." I know I need a few more tetras and I'll be getting them hopefully next week (they'll be going in the 55gal), but my question is this: does anyone know how to sex glowlight tetras? One of the trio is longer and MUCH fatter than the other two, but it doesn't look like it has dropsy or bloat.

No pic at the moment, but I'll get one up as soon as I can.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Watch craigslist religiously. The deals will pop up at random. Most of the bigger deals seem to pop up during certain events. After a hurricane, start/end of school, close to christmas, a few weeks after christmas (when newcomers give up), etc.

Apr 14, 2008
Congrats on that deal! :D Answering your question, I think the fatter one is definitely a female. I really wouldn't recommend putting them in your 55gal with an angelfish already in there tho. Doom ate some albino glowlights & ripped apart a full grown regular glowlight[who she co-existed with fine up until that point] in just a few days. :( Even "peaceful" cichlids are still cichlids. 1 mood swing and it'll start randomly killing things. *thumbsdow lol


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I found this tank literally 25 minutes after the lady had posted in this morning. It helps that I'm an early riser (she'd posted it at 6:30am, by which time I had already been showered and dressed for almost an hour lol). It also helps that she lives two streets over from me, so I was able to go pick it up within 5 minutes of calling her. :p

As for them not going in the 55gal...I don't have anywhere else for them and I didn't want to keep them in the 10gal (not enough space for a proper school of tetras). I think they get a bit big for the 18gal tall, the 20gL is fully-stocked, they DEFINITELY wouldn't fit in the 46gal or the 29gal (not only space issues as those tanks are fully stocked, but compatilibilty issues) and I didn't want to take them to either of the LFS because I really don't think they would take them (they don't usually take fish they don't already sell and neither of them sell glowlights).