Anyone use a glue gun (as in a hot glue gun) to attach rocks or whatever to items to make a cave in their tank..? and if so? was there an adverse effects
I am thinking of doing a DIY PVC cave and covering it with rocks, going to use aquarium safe silicone, but want to use the glue gun to get the pre-lim stuff on...
Side note, is there a safe silicone you can buy from Home Depot that is ok to use in aquariums or can you only pick that up in your LFS?
I am thinking of doing a DIY PVC cave and covering it with rocks, going to use aquarium safe silicone, but want to use the glue gun to get the pre-lim stuff on...
Side note, is there a safe silicone you can buy from Home Depot that is ok to use in aquariums or can you only pick that up in your LFS?