goby eating questions

Apr 11, 2006
Hi guys, I was wondering if I should buy a watchman goby or a twinspots goby for my empty 20gal tank. I heard that a watchman goby is a little more easier to take care of compare to the other one, but I seem to like the twinspot more. I had a twinspot before and it mysteriously disappear without a trace, well actually I did found his botton fins after two weeks of his disappeareance. I don't know if my arrow crab might be the cause of his death(kind of big). I am afraid if I get the same one, it might die again. I guess my question is, how do you feed them while having your fliter on while the filter constanlty suck in the food particle suspend in the water without giving it a chance to setting down into the sand so the gobly could get to it?

Mar 31, 2006
If you have a filter you can just shut it off while you feed your fish then turn it back on when your done. When I feed Frozen or flake food to my tank which houses a Sandsifting Goby he usually waits until the food hits the sandbed but occasionally he will swim up to get it.

Either of the Gobies seem like a good choice for your 20g and they both reach about the same size with similar diet requirements. :)

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Yes, to eco what perfectblue said. What kind of watchman? If its a yellow watchman he'll be fine, as will the other. Either way, your preference.

The arrow crabs do get big and they tend to eat things

If you're having that much a problem with the filter sucking in the food and you cant target feed the goby or hes not going into the water column to eat, you could always shut the filter off while feeding as a last resort, or at least turn it down a bit.

Apr 11, 2006
ok, guys I was looking at some fishes in the pet store and saw something that catch my eyes, the mandarin goby(about 3 inches long). I bought that little guys and came direclty home to do some research on him. I found out that he could be kept with larger fishes so I was wondering if I should throw him in with my lionfish(about 4.5 inches long) due to the fact that he release some pisionous macus when danger approaches. Would you guys recommend this? Also, I found that he needs constant supply of copepod to live, do you guys know any places online that sales copepod, live or frozen?? And any other adivces will be greatly appreicated.


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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A mandarin will not survive for a long time if kept casually in a 20 gallon aquarium. Go search this Saltwater Forum for Lordroad's "Mandarin Candidate" and you'll see the dedication you need to keep these beauties alive. I'm going to advise you take this mandarin back to your LFS for a refund or store credit before things get out of hand.

Apr 11, 2006
Thank Matt for the advice, but I got no choice now but to keep the mandarin goby. My 24 hours return policy was over a day ago. I got him for 11.99, is that expense? I thought it was very cheap for such a beautiful fish. Anyways, my 20 gals tank seems to have plenty of pods crawling on the sand. I was hoping I could get some frozen or live copepods from the internet by the time the goby deplete the pods source. I decided to go ahead and throw him with my lionfish, they seem to get along fine, the lion just seems to look at him and he just seems to stay still most of the time. I don't know if this is a sight of healthness or not. Sometime, it seems like he is dead, but when I reach into the tank to get him, he swin away. Weird?? Any places on the net where I could find live or frozen copepods???


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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No, return him to the pet store, even for an exchange, most places will do that, just explain the situation, he is going to 1. die slowly over the next six months from starvation, or 2. get eaten by your lion...they are extremely needy fish to feed, dont take this the wrong way but I doubt you have the patience, knowledge, or time to properly care for him.

Feb 25, 2006
Where to find Copepods


Since we both seem to have an interest in the mandrain goby I have found a web site where copepods can be ordered from it is at this web site adelaide@essentiallivefeeds.com


saltwater84 said:
ok, guys I was looking at some fishes in the pet store and saw something that catch my eyes, the mandarin goby(about 3 inches long). I bought that little guys and came direclty home to do some research on him. I found out that he could be kept with larger fishes so I was wondering if I should throw him in with my lionfish(about 4.5 inches long) due to the fact that he release some pisionous macus when danger approaches. Would you guys recommend this? Also, I found that he needs constant supply of copepod to live, do you guys know any places online that sales copepod, live or frozen?? And any other adivces will be greatly appreicated.